Equation Input Rx - NO data fields

The all new "Equation Input Rx" mode within Fertility will allow users to build equation-based recommendations for fields that do not have Soil Test field sample events available. This function would enable the recommendations to be created simply on user input factors and formulas driven off those manual inputs. This will then further promote the usage within the module ensuring all recommendations can start and end within the module.

Getting Started

Navigate into the Fertility Module. Once loaded, click on the "Analysis" dropdown menu and select the option for "Equ Input Rx". The new display mode should now have all field profiles available for selection regardless of their available Field Sample soil data status. To assist users, fields that contain Soil and/or Yield Data will still be shown in their respective colorization and include the assistance icon next to them. This visual assistance feature should help distinguish to users which fields do not have soil data and thus likely would be the needed candidates to run within this mode.

Traditional Soil Fertility Profile Tree View  vs  Equation Input Rx Mode View

  • Soil Fertility Mode - Fields without Soil Data are shown as not available for use

  • Equation Input Rx Mode - All Fields are available for selection regardless of Soil Data status

Working with Fields that have No Data

Select from the profile tree the desired field(s) you wish to build a Rx event for. At this point, the map layer should show the selected field(s) highlighted in the traditional orange colorization and the profile tree should have that field "Checked" off as well.

The next step will be to select an equation set that is setup to be able to produce an outcome without the use of soil data test results. This type of equation would have no dependency on these database variables within it. As such, the system would instead utilize any of the user-based variable inputs and/or the function options setup within the equations output section.

To help simplify this step in the process, the program will automatically remove any equation sets and/or element selections where there is a dependency on soil test data within the equation. This means that the list the user is then seeing within the "Equ Input Rx" Equ Set dropdown list has already been filtered down to exclude those not meeting the requirements.

View of filtered Equation Set List based on Soil Test Dependency Check:

With the appropriate equation set now selected, the user will fill out the remaining items of the Rx setup exactly as they would when in the traditional soil fertility mode. Be sure to select a Crop, Element(s) as well as any needed or required User-Based Variable Inputs that will help drive the outcome result.

For the example illustrated below, we are going to run a Nitrogen recommendation. This particular formula (demo example only) requires a user-provided Yield Goal input for the crop as well as optionally adjusted "N Factor" value. These 2 user inputs are then later used within the result formulas calculation to determine the total needed number of lbs of N-based product to apply to the field. No actual soil test data or values are needed in this example, nor does the field have any such data.

Using Zone Inputs to produce VRT Instances

Since there is no GPS-based Soil Test data on the field, only a single field-level product rate is then provided. For instances where the user may want to supply different user-based input values across their field with the anticipation of a variable rate outcome, they can elect to utilize the "Use Zone Input" feature. This will allow the user to pull in pre-defined equation input values to those listed variables and produce unique rate outcomes per zone where the values differ.

To begin this process or utilizing Management Zone layers, first begin within the MAIN tab. Select your desired field as well as the data set that will allow the user to create a Management Zone layer. When satisfied with the created spatial zone results, select the option to "Add Data Column(s)" and manually input the needed values you know that will help control and drive the later used equation set. These assigned values will later be able to be linked to the equation and directly applied within the linked zone areas they relate to.

Example Image of a Management Zone Layer with Associated Data Values:

With a Management Zone layer established and saved with associated data value inputs, this layer can then be used directly within the Fertility Rx process. Select the option for "Use Zone Input" from the right-hand pane. With this option enabled a new "Zone Input Tool" modal will then appear. This display window will then allow the user to verify which of their available saved Management Zone layers they wish to use in the Rx process. Upon that zone layers selection, any/all available data columns, and their saved values will then populate. The final step within this modal will then have the user link the data column values to one of the available equation input variables. This will be the direct value(s) passed over in the Rx process to help enable the rate outcome result(s).

Zone Input Tool - Setup selection and User Input Association:

The end outcome result will then produce the variable product rates as driven by the supplied values from the Management Zone layer. At any point, the values stored within the selected Management Zone can be adjusted on the fly during the setup process, or the client can elect to input Rate adjustment factors via the available Min Rate, Max Rate, Switch Rate options as well as the Multiplier or Subtract features. 

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