Limiting Single Panel Reports
Single Panel elemental soil data reports may be limited to season zone areas, follow help below to generate a limited Single Panel report.
Generating Season Zone Limited Single Panel Reports
Soil Elemental Reports Menu Options Explained
- Elemental Selection Area: The options present in the Elemental selection area vary depending on the element values recorded on the field sample layer. Select each option desired, and each will come as a single page elemental map
- Select/Unselect All Elements: Clicking this option causes all Elements to become selected and then deselected upon subsequent click
- Interpolation Method: This option allows the method which soil nutrient values between soil sampling points to be interpolated to be chosen.
- Disable Interpolation Across Polygons: This prevents field sample nutrient information from interpolating out past a field boundary area within the Map interface.
- Display Histogram in Acres: If the location has the elemental data set to display in percentages, this option causes the reports to display in Acres instead.
- Overlay Sample Sites: This will apply the sample points sites to the field.
- Include ID Values: Selecting this option will also auto select overlay sample sites and provide the soil value for selected elements.
- Overlay Sample Values: Selecting this option causes each element map to contain a data value overlay, that appears where the field sample points were taken within the field.
- Include Elemental Description: Selecting this option causes any lab reported element description values (L,VL,H,VH,O ect) to appear within the sample overlay.
- Include Sampling Method: Selecting this option causes any recorded sampling method to appear within the resulting report pages.
- Show Custom Elemental Descriptions: Custom descriptions for each element made by the user (which can be made in tools>location preferences) can be displayed.
- Email Result: Selecting this option causes the "Additional Emails" input field to show, as well as causes the report to be delivered by email to the same email address as is the user name logged in at time of generation.
- Additional Emails: When email addresses are typed into this input field, a copy of the report is delivered to each email address provided. Please Note: Multiple email addresses should be separated by commas.