Creating Directed Sample Layers

Field Level Add Data Import Option - Directed Samples

Directed Sampling Layers can be used in order to create shape file of projected sampling points, to create an empty soil sampling layer, to use in conjunction with the iOS Sampling app, to use in conjunction with Work Orders and to record historical sample sites for future use.

Drawing Directed Sampling Layers

  1. Right click over a field name within the Profile Tree and select "Add Data". 
  2. System will open "Data Upload" menu window.
  3. From "Data Type" Drop-down menu, select "Directed Samples".
  4. System will change window setup. Input a name or date within the "Name" input field.
  5. After selecting "Draw" , click "Add/Upload".
  6. The system will create a "Directed Sampling" folder under field selected, within the profile tree. Click Directed Samples folder to open it.
  7. Click on Directed Sampling layer stored within Directed Samples folder.
  8. On this sampling layer, the system will show a button, on the right side gray panel. Click "Edit Samples"
  9. System will open "Sampling Tools" window in the upper, right-hand side of the screen. From this point forward any click upon the map will place down a directed sampling point

  1. Continue in this manner, placing directed sampling points down. Placed points may be clicked and dragged to adjust the location.
  2. Select "Save" from the "Sampling Tools" window, when satisfied with directed sampling point placement.

Drawing Grid Directed Samples

  1. Follow steps 1-8 from "Drawing Directed Sampling Layers" section above
  2. From "Sampling Tools" window, click "Create Grid" . 
  3. "Sampling Tools" window expands; Select from "Area" or "Cell dimensions" options then input desired grid size.
  4. Click "Update Grid" to cause the projected grid to update to selected size.
  5. Click the "Rotate Grid" buttons in order to rotate grid or Click and drag mouse over green dot in lower left-hand corner to rotate grid manually.
  6. Click and drag on any other area of the grid to reposition the grid over field.
  7. Click "Remove Grid Lines" to see the directed sampling point positions without the grid. From here, individual directed sampling points can still be dragged to new positions.
  8. Click "Save" from the "Sampling Tools" window when satisfiable with Directed Sample placement.


Additional Sampling Tools Window Options
Starting ID: This input field drives the starting ID number of directed sampling points.
  • Convert MgmtZones: Found within grid option portion, this option causes the system to create a "Management Zone Layer" that reflects the current grid. Simply click the button, then input a name for the Management Zone layer and click "Save".
  • Switch ID Direction: After clicking this button, IDs within the grid will increment in a different direction.

Uploading Directed Sampling Points

  1. Right-click over a field name within the Profile Tree and select "Add Data".
  2. The Data Uploads window opens, select data type: "Directed Samples"
  3. Data Uploads window refreshes; input a name for the directed sampling layer then select Action: "Upload" (or Upload KML if file is in KML format)
  4. Click the "Browse" button when it appears in the Data Upload window.
  5. The Data Upload refreshes to show "Sample ID" drop-down menu. Options present in the drop-down menu relate directly to the column headers within the .dbf portion of the shape file. Select the column that represents the Sample ID index values.
  6. Click "Add/Upload".

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