Location Level Add Data - Grower Names

For easier profile management, users will now have a new file upload option to help populate their Grower Profile list under a given location within the system. This option will allow the user to utilize a CSV file as an import option versus the traditional Shape File and/or Manual entry options, thus giving users flexible options in their profile tree management.

Getting Started

From the Main tab, users will need to navigate down to the location level folder within the profile tree. Once at the location level, right-click on the folder itself and then select the "Add Data" option. Within the Data Upload modal that then populates, select the Data Type option for "Grower Names". 

Once selected, the user will then have a simple import interface that will allow them to browse for their appropriate CSV file that contains their Grower Name list. To continue the process, select the "Browse" button within the form. Once the file has been selected, hit the upload button that has the cloud icon next to "Browse". At this point, the user will then be asked to identify the Column Name within the CSV file that would contain the desired Grower Names.

elect the appropriate column and then select the "Add/Upload" action button. The system will then process the file and create a new Grower profile within the management tree for each unique Grower Name found within the selected CSV file.

Example - Data Upload Entry Modal for Grower Name File

**Please note that the Grower Names will populate in the system exactly as they are listed/found within the CSV file.***

Example - CSV file with listed Grower Names for Import

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