Creating Scouting Events
Scouting events in the FieldAlytics Mobile app grants users the ability to add observations and recommendations within a field or fields. This help document will show how to create a scouting event and add observations and recommendations for a given field. Observations include general information about the crop within the field, current soil and weather conditions, potential damage to the crop, and an area to add photos of the observation. Recommendations include the ability to add individual products or import existing tank mixes to help remedy problems observed within the field.
Creating Scouting Events
Scouting events can be created at the Grower, Farm and Field level. To create a scouting event, begin by navigating to the desired level within the Profiles Tab and selecting the Scouting icon at the top of the page.
Next, tap on the + in the upper right corner of the screen to add a new scouting event.
From here, users can select the field(s) to be included in the scouting event, name the event, select the date for the event, and add any notes to the event if necessary
Please Note: At least one field must be selected to add any Observations or Recommendations to the Scouting Event.
Adding Observations
Tap on Add Observation to begin adding information. There are four categories within an observation to add information: General, Conditions, Damage, and Photos.
Users can input general information about the crop here. Within the first section of the General tab, users can rename the observation, add any existing notes, and add a specific location to the observation if desired. Options for Locations include:
No geometry
Using Current location
Drawing a point on map
Draw polygon
Record polygon using gps
Importing Management Zones
Using existing Field Boundary
Importing Season Zone Boundary
The second section within the General tab contains Crop Information that users can input information to add to the Scouting Report.
Users can input information about the current soil, Pivot, and Weather Conditions within the field.
When an observation is created, the weather is automatically imported for the devices current location and the time the observation is created.
Tapping on the Add Damage will display a menu to select the type of damage observed within the field. Select the desired damage type to continue.
Users can add information regarding the specifics of the observed damage within this page. If Insect, Weed, or Disease was selected and additional box will appear at the top of the page (ex. Pick Existing Insect) that allows users to search for the specific damaging insect, weed or disease observed.
Click Done to continue.
The Photos tab allows users to add a photo of the observation to the Scouting Event. To add a photo tap on the camera button at the top of the page and select the photo source (Camera or Photo Library)
To finish recording information about an observation tap on save in the upper right corner of the screen to continue.
Adding Recommendations![](//
Start by tapping on Add Recommendations to begin. From there Users can rename the recommendation, add any existing notes, as well as add a specific location to where the recommendation need to be applied.
There are two options to adding a recommendation:
Adding Product/Irrigation- Users can manually add Chemical, Fertilizer, and Irrigation Recommendations
To add this, start by tapping on Add Product/Irrigation and selecting the desired recommendation from the pop up list. From there User can search for the existing product (Chemical and Fertilizer) and adding the desired rate for the product. Tap done to continue.
Import Products- Users can select a pre-existing tank mix to the recommendation.
To add a tank mix start by tapping on Import Products and selecting Tank Mix from the menu. From there Users can search and select a pre-existing tank mix to add to the recommendation.
When all observations and recommendation have been added to the Scouting event tap Save to finish.