Merging As-Planted Datasets

Merge Datasets

The As-Planted Option Merge Datasets will allow for two As-Planted layers to be merged together into one layer. Follow help steps below.

Merging As-Planted Data Sets

  1. Click on the As-Planted data set to be merged within the Main tab. 
  2. The system loads the coverage data for the layer within the map screen.
  3. Go to the "Action" drop-down menu appearing towards the top of the right side panel. 
  4. From Action drop-down menu, select option "Merge Datasets" then click "Go".
  5. The system opens "Merge Data Sets" window.
  6. Select the data set that will be the "Master" data set from "Select Dataset" drop-down menu. Please Note: The Master Data set will contain the merged data set selected by step 1.
  7. Click "Merge Data".

What to Expect When Merging Data Sets

  • The "Child" data set (the data set selected in step one) will no longer exist (as a separate data layer) in the system post merge.
  • Re-uploading Raw data will be needed in order to revert any changes made by merging data sets.
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