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Within Work Order Filtering, users now have the advanced capability of searching for work orders based on a certain tank mix and/or certain products. Giving users a quick way to find like blend work orders and jobs allows for edits to be made across all of them in a more efficient way. This also makes for a more efficient way to find work orders that may need all go to one truck based on the exact blend being in all jobs. To find this new functionality users can go to Work Orders, Filters and then proceed to "Products". Here users will see the new modal. 

Once the new modal pops up, users can chose a location they would like to filter for and then also filter for a specific tank mix that was used. 

Once a tank mix is selected, all the products within that mix will display within the modal. Here, users can delete or add products and toggle "Includes or Excludes" and "Any of or Only" the selected products showing. 

If a user would not like to use a tank mix filter and would like to manually add products one by one within the modal, that is also an option. The functionality works the same this way as it does filtering for a tank mix. Once filtered for what they would like, hit submit and all work orders within that filter criteria will show. The applied filter will show on the right hand panel. 

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