KSI Soil Service Provider Notification updates
New updates within the system will now provide users with greater visibility and information for their Soil Sampling Work Order jobs assigned to the 3rd Party KSI Lab Soil Servicer provider. These updates have been put in place to both inform the user of the KSI job ID created via the integration as well as provide feedback in the instance that a job submission may have errored.
Getting Started
From the Work Orders tab, users will create their Soil Sampling Work Orders. Within the 'Lab' tab of the job setup, users will need to ensure that they have selected "KSI Labs" as their desired "Soil Service Provider". If the user is not seeing an option for "KSI Labs", please either contact your local administrator or the customer service team so that needed enrollment can be finalized for your account/location.
Fill in all the required options specific to the job submission request that show within the Soil Service Provider Options modal. Once all items have been filled out, click the green 'Save' button.
Fill out any remaining work order setup items as well as job options and then 'Save' your FieldAlytics Work Order. This will then submit the configured soil service provider job options over to KSI Labs. Upon their receiving of these, the FieldAlytics system will then update the display interface to include the responded 'KSI Labs Job ID' value within our display interface as seen below. The KSI Labs job ID value may take a few minutes to finally display within the interface. The receipt of this submission can often have a small delay.
Updated View Showcasing KSI Lab Job ID Display
Beyond displaying the KSI Lab Job ID within the general overview display within Work Orders, the system will then also present this ID display within the local 'Job Details' display and resulting PDF. This visual indicator then is an clear indicator that the job was successfully received by the lab partner and that all the needed information has been passed into their system to allow the sample collection and analysis services to happen.
Updated View within Job Details
Matching KSI Lab Job ID (Report Display from KSI Interface)
Updates to Notification Center
In the event that a submission off to KSI Labs may have had an issue or error, the system will now also include these responses back to the user within the Notification Center tool. Under the 'Soil Provider' category, any failed submission requests will now show within the tool. The provided information for this error will include the timestamp, Job Name, Profile Details as well as the given error/failed reason response.
It is our hope that between the successful submission display of the Job ID value within our Work Order system and then the submission display within the users Notification Center console that a very clear understanding of what all is going on with the connection to KSI can be had for the user.
Display of Notification Center Error from KSI Labs