FieldAlytics Mobile Release v1.26

Mobile Records

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 1.26 of the FieldAlytics Mobile app as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release. Contained in this release is a powerful new tool for field staff and growers, mobile records. Now, field staff will have access to every record that has ever been created for a grower from their finger tips, enabling them to review and confidently answer the question "What did we do last year?" Furthermore, the ability to collect records from the field reduces friction as retailers are often burdened with collection of more and more records. Additionally, this new tool does not impact the compliance workflow of applicators but better showcases their work to field staff and growers. The following record types are now available on mobile:

  • Chemical
  • Commodity Sale
  • Fertilizer
  • Harvest
  • Irrigation
  • Tillage

What did we do last year?

One of the most common questions is "what did we do last year?". Information like this has always existed in FieldAlytics but it was limited to our web platform. Now with mobile records we can answer this at the kitchen table from the sales person's phone or tablet. Scroll through multiple years of activities and review products, methods, and timings to help build your plan for the up coming season.


What did my retailer do for me today?

Another opportunity this presents is the ability to showcase your work and activities to your customer as soon as the applicator leaves the field. If the grower has access to FieldAlytics mobile they can review the application record without the need for a call or text, giving another opportunity for the retailer showcase their value to the grower and help the grower answer the question, What did my retailer do for me today?

Recording Practices for Sustainability and Carbon Reporting

Today, retailers are being put in the position to collect, manage, or provide data on the behalf of grower to various sustainability and carbon programs. This quickly creates additional work for the retailer as this is not data that is easily collected and requires many touch points to obtain. Mobile records offers a new tool to reduce the friction being placed on the retailer. A grower now can utilize the FieldAlytics mobile to record management practices such as tillage passes or irrigation events without the retailer needing to follow up with a phone call to grab this information at the end of the season. This information, now coupled with the existing fertilizer and crop protection records can provide a full picture of management activities occurring on a field to quickly answer any sustainability program's questions.

Get Started

Learn how to succeed with this new tool in our in depth help article here.

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