Work Order Notifications - Grower Defaults
Within Work Order Notifications, users have the ability to default which type of a notification a grower would like to receive. Information entered for a grower in Main will flow over to the Job Wizard and have the box automatically checked for the type of notification chosen. If "Text Message" is the way a grower would like to be notified and their information with cell number is input within the grower modal, this will auto populate within the Work Order.
Setting Defaults
To setup this new feature for a grower users can navigate to Main, go down the tree to the particular grower they would like to set this up for and click the white box directly below the growers name.
Once here, users will see the grower modal pop up where all of their contact information can be input. Also here, the new check boxes are found for which default notification type this grower would like to receive. By clicking the boxes of the statuses they would like to receive updates for and checking email or text message, they will be notified for all of these types of changes. As an example, a grower with the following information entered in this information bubble:
Will automatically display these settings within the Notifications section of the work order wizard:
Please Note: This process allows for defaults to be set on a grower by grower basis, but the notification settings can be modified within the job wizard as needed to remove or add email/text/status alerts.