Fertility Analysis: Lab Rx
Lab Recommendations can loaded into the Fertility module for any field containing a Lab Rx section in the Field Samples. These recommendations are provided directly from the lab and can be viewed by loading the Field Sample layer in the Main tab. The Lab Rx section (if present) will be below the soil data summary in the right pane:
These values can be used in Fertility tab by selecting the "Lab Rx" Analysis option.
Lab Rx Analysis Steps:
- Select the desired field from the Profile Tree.
Please Note: Any fields containing soil or yield data will be selectable, only fields with a Lab Rx section in the sample data will run.![](//d33v4339jhl8k0.cloudfront.net/docs/assets/5ed670fc04286306f80483ae/images/62d8494b79bb3605c3949363/file-R5H0HtAzGw.png)
- Select the analysis type, Lab Rx from the drop-down [1].
- Select the Lab Rx from the drop-down [2].
Note: The name will appear exactly as viewed in the field sample layer, if there are no selections, no Lab Rx's exist for the selected field sample layer.
- Select an element from the Element drop down menu [3], then click the "Add Element" button [4].
Note: Only elements in the Lab Rx are selectable.
- Repeat step #4 until all desired elements have been added.
- Select desired product [5].
- For help with other settings, see Elemental Inputs Explained and Report Options.
- Select "Submit Rx" button [7] when finished.
Tips and What to Expect with Lab Rx Analysis
- Lab Rx Analysis convert elemental units to product rates, depending on the analysis of the selected product.
- Final Rx can vary greatly from the original lab recommendation depending on the settings for individual products, leaving all modifiers (Max, Min, Switch, Multiplier and Subtract) blank will produce a recommendation the same as the original Lab Rx.
- After generation, the recommendation must be saved before appearing in the Profile Tree.