Dicamba Training
Users now have the ability to add an applicators training date for dicamba, who trained them and what state they were trained in. With the application of Dicamba, there is a requirement that all applicators have this training and also have it documented within the record of the application. Once this information is filled out within assets it will flow over to the Detailed Applicator Summary. This new feature is available under the Assets module, click on personnel and chose the applicator in which they would like to add this information to.
To navigate to this new functionality users are going to go to the "Assets" module, click on the personnel applicator they would like to add this to and see the screenshot from above. Once here, you can edit the asset and chose the date, provider and state. The training date option has a calendar that will populate when clicked on. Training provider is a text box allowing users to type in who this applicators training was provided by.
And lastly, the state selection is a drop down allowing the user to pick whichever state this applicator was trained in.
Once an applicator finishes a job, this information from their asset will show up on the detailed app. summary.