FieldAlytics v4.4 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics Team is proud to introduce the following new features and performance improvements as part of version 4.4 of FieldAlytics. Click on the links below found within each topic of the release notes summary to learn more about these items.
Work Orders
Users now have the ability within Work Orders Blend Calculator to input the percent or number of units of a selected product they would like to see as apart of the whole blend. This allows users to make exact changes to the blend that are happening based on inventory of product, meet user wants or needs and get a more accurate cost associated within blends.
Client also will have find input and display options for Sulfate Sulfur within their product setup and work order job setup. The information provided for the SO4S (Sulfate Sulfur) will show within the Nutrient Blend analysis display as well as within the Blend Calculator. This information will then pass through to any needed Work Order summary reports.
Beyond that, we are introducing an additional ERP Status Filter: Submission Error to meet the needs of users being able to find all of ERP work orders that do not have the ERP ID at the appropriate status.
Variable Rate seeding will now have much greater control and abilities with the additional use of Soil Test data for Variable Rate Seeding Rx events. Clients historically could only reference Saved Management Zones for the Seed Rx process, but now will be able to utilize equations that reference their soil test result values for the selected field(s) as well.
Within Admin Tools, users now have the ability to add a Crop Area Definition. This new feature allows customers to better define Crop Area, beyond what the CDMS list generates.
A final update will bring much needed improvements to the Chemical Product Management Tool. This new refactor will improve the organization display of the products, provide new filter and find functions as well as bring a paginated page display into the tool. All of this works together to also improve the speed and load times while working within and navigating throughout the utility.
Performance Improvements
- Job Status Time Change update for Local Time-zone use
- Added support for additional soil depths
- Updates for Soil Comparison Report Value Display
- 3rd Party Saved Rx updates for use in Work Orders
- Modification to summary results within Yield by Variety Report
- Update for product rate display to hundredth's decimal place
- Fix for Field Level Quick Map PDF