Changing As-Applied Data Type

Change Data Type

The Change Data Type option displays for As-Applied and As-Planted data sets exclusively, and allows for As-Applied Data sets to be converted to As-Planted data sets and vice versa. See help steps below.

Changing Data Types

  1. On any As-Applied or As-Planted data layer within the Main tab, go to the "Action" drop-down menu, located on the right side gray panel near the upper corner. 
  2. From Action drop-down menu, select option "Change Data Type".
  3. Click "Go".
  4. The system opens "Update Data Type" window. See second image on right.
  5. Select desired data type.
  6. (If desired) Select "By Product(s)" checkbox and select desired product(s) for the change. 
  7. Click "Make Change".
  8. The system changes the selected data into the desired data set type.
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