Navigating the Profit Map
Navigating the Profit Map
- After a Farm Plan has been created, there are many aspects to view within the map and farm plan summary.
- To get started, expand the profile tree to the field level. Within the Farm Plans folder, click on the desired farm plan [1]
- Selecting a Farm Plan will generate an analysis map, the default map is the profit map. To change this click on the drop down menu [2] in the upper right hand corner of the map. The available analysis maps include:
- Profit
- ROI (Return on Investment)
- Breakeven Commodity Price
- Breakeven Yield Increase
- Breakeven Expense Decrease
- Revenue
- Yield Revenue
- Expense
- The box in the upper right corner of the map [3] displays whole field information pertaining to the selected analysis map.
- In the example map above for the profit map, the right hand column displays the range of profitability in the field in $/ac.
- The left column displays the percentage of the field for each of the profitability levels
- Clicking on the white arrow [4] in the upper right corner will hide this box.
- Hovering over the map will show yield and financial information for that part of the map. [5]
- The Farm Plan Summary and the Financial Performance can be found on the right hand side of the screen.
- Financial Performance is a view only breakdown of various financial aspects of the field.
- Farm Plan Summary displays basic information about the field, with some selectable functions
- Edit: [6] Selecting this will allow users to make further edits to the farm plan in the Farm Plan Editor
- Compare: [7] Selecting this will bring up a window to compare the current farm plan to another farm plan from the same field.
- Reports: [8] Selecting this will bring up the Financial Performance Reports selection window
- More Options: [9] Selecting this will drop down a menu with the options to Prepare a Rate Map or Delete Farm Plan
- Click on Detailed Financial Performance [10] to pull up a window with an in depth analysis of yield and profitability by soil type.
- Within the Detailed Performance Window click on the Expense Breakdown tab [11] to show a pie chart breakdown of field expenses.