Field Level Add Data - Veris
Veris data can be imported into FieldAlytics to be used as an interactive data layer simply to view or to create management zones. To Upload Veris Data, follow steps below.
- Right click over the field name within the profile tree and select "Add Data".
- System will open the "Data Upload" menu window. From the "Data Type" dropdown, select "Veris".
- System will add a "Choose File" link. Click "Choose File".
- System will open a file browser window. Navigate the file browser window to the Veris file on the device or inserted card and select it.
- Click "Open", and the system will load the file back into the Data Upload window. Input a date and click "Add/Upload" *Please note: the date provided will be the name of the specific Veris data set layer.
- The system will process and create a Veris folder under field within Profile Tree.
- Click the Veris folder to expand it, then select the Veris data set by clicking on the selected date.
The gray side panel will load with the various Veris layers available. Click the round radial button in order to get a specific data set to display on the map.
Please note: the available data layers within the Veris data set will be dependent upon what is available within the input file. For example, if only the shallow and deep metrics are available within the input file, these will be the only available layers within the dataset.
Veris File Formats
Veris data can be imported at the field level as stated above as either a .dat or .txt file. Additionally, Veris data can be imported in either format via the LINK software or utilizing the web upload having the file(s) within a zipped folder.