Import 3rd Party Rx

Fertility recommendations generated outside of FieldAlytics can be imported from a shapefile at the Field Level as a 3rd Party Rx. 

Importing a 3rd Party Rx

1. Right-click over the Field Name within the profile tree.

2. A small menu window will open, select "Add Data"

3. "Data Upload" menu window opens, select Data Type: "Generic Data Shape"

4. Click "Choose File". A Windows explorer window will open. Navigate to file to be opened and select it. Click "Open"

5. The system will open "Generic Shape Import Wizard", select the "3rd Party Rx".

6. Input the "Rx Name"[1] this will be the name displayed in the profile tree and select the "Rx Upload Date"[1]Please Note: Required input field entries will be marked with a * character

7. Select the "Element"[2] then assign the "DBF Column"[3] that corresponds with the element. Please Note: The content in the DBF column drop down menu is populated directly from the column headers present in the file being uploaded.

8. Assign the "Fertilizer"[4] Product for the element and "Unit"[5] 

9. To add addition elements click the "Green Plus"[6] to the right of the elements to add a new element layer, repeat steps(6-8) for any additional elements added. 

9. When done setting up Elements, Click "Next".

10. Click "Finish"

11. The newly imported 3rd Party Rx will display in the profile tree under the "SavedRx-3rdParty" folder.

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