Agvance ERP Connection Set Up

Users can link their Agvance ERP to FieldAlytics to connect growers, products, and blend tickets. One or many Agvance ERP databases can be connected within a Fieldalytics organization, each linked to a unique location. 

Before getting started, please contact FieldAlytics Customer Success about the desire to make the connection. FieldAlytics will then reach out to Agvance to authorize the connection via API.

Connecting the Database

The first step in the integration is connecting your Agvance database to FieldAlytics. Start by going to the Tools Menu and Select "Connect 3rd Party ERP"

Within the "Connect 3rd Party ERP" tool, select Agvance as your ERP option.

This tool allows users to add new connections and manage any existing Agvance connections. To create a new connection, select the green + icon option.

Obtain the following information from your Agvance database or from your organization's administrators.

  • User - This is the user within the Agvance database that FieldAlytics will use to make the API connection. 
  • Password - This is the password for the Agvance user above.
  • Database ID - This is the unique ID of the Agvance Database.

Users can also select various options to customize the capabilities and requirements for the Agvance connection.

  • Chemical/ Fertilizer Application Job- Required Additional Attributes: Selecting options here will create additional requirements when creating Chemical and Fertilizer Jobs
  • Create records in FieldAlytics for blend tickets that did not originate from FieldAlytics- These are pulled in nightly from the connected Agvance database for any linked grower.
  • Require Location ID on field sync: checking this will require a location ID for all connected locations.
  • Syncing Profiles from Agvance to FieldAlytics can create new Profiles
    • Enabling this option will sync boundaries from Agvance immediately upon establishing the connection. Updates made within Agvance after the connection is established will occur during the nightly sync. Otherwise, the grower can be synced within the tool to pull the changes into FieldAlytics immediately.
  • Syncing Profiles from FieldAlytics to Agvance can create new Profiles
    • Modifications to farm and field profiles (including boundaries) within FieldAlytics will sync to Agvance immediately for connected growers.

Once everything has been inputted, select the "Save" button. FieldAlytics will then make the API connection utilizing the provided credentials. 

Please Note: If syncing profiles is setup both ways and the profile in both Agvance and FieldAlytics have a boundary, the Agvance boundary will be used to update the FieldAlytics boundary.

Profile Level



Grower Connection to the Agvance customer is established within FieldAlytics using the Connect 3rd Party ERP tool. Agvance customer ID becomes present in FieldAlytics within the ERP Info, farm and field sync will begin.
Farm Adding a farm in FieldAlytics will immediately sync the farm to Agvance. Deleting a farm in FieldAlytics will not inactivate the farm in Agvance Adding a farm in Agvance will add the farm during the nightly sync to FieldAlytics. Deleting a farm in Agvance will not delete the farm in FieldAlytics.
Field Adding a field in FieldAlytics will immediately sync the field to Agvance. Deleting a field in FieldAlytics will instantly inactivate the field in Agvance. This will not provide notification to the user if there is already an active blend ticket in Agvance for the field. Adding fields in Agvance will add the field during the nightly sync. Inactivating a field in Agvance will delete the field in FieldAlytics during the nightly sync.
Boundary Boundary modifications made within FieldAlytics will be synced to Agvance right away. Boundary modifications made in Agvance will sync to FieldAlytics during the nightly sync.

Location ID Configuration on Field Set-Up

For any Agvance-connected field, users can select which Location ID or Inventory Site they would like to assign for this field within the Field Level Right-Hand Panel.

Enrolling Locations

Before Growers may be connected, users must first Enroll Locations. To do so, start by clicking on Manage Enrolled Locations.

Now, each needed location can be toggled to Yes. If the Required Location ID on Field Sync option is turned on, an Agvance Location must be provided. Once all necessary locations have been enrolled, click save to finish.

If a user has additional Agvance databases they would like to connect to FieldAlytics, please repeat the steps above for each additional connection. 

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