Kahler Automation - Configuration
Configuring the Kahler Interface (Blender)
- On the interface, navigate to the Interfaces section from the list on the left
- Select the Tm2EfcSystemsInterface tab from the top under Interfaces
- This selection is configured by Kahler for customers utilizing the API to FieldAlytics
- This selection is configured by Kahler for customers utilizing the API to FieldAlytics
- Fill out all required fields as they pertain to the configuration of the blender
- Reach out to your Kahler support team for any setup concerns or questions
- the Blender Ids field should be entered verbatim as the "Asset Id" value entered in FieldAlytics
- The API Partner GUID can be supplied by the FieldAlytics team
- The Private Key must be supplied by Kahler
- Reach out to your Kahler support team for any setup concerns or questions
- Once this information is entered and saved, the blender can now receive orders from FieldAlytics
Configuring Products on the interface
- In the Interfaces section, navigate to the Interface Items tab
- From the Cross reference type dropdown, select Products
- Make sure that Target Interface is set to Tm2EfcSystemsInterface
- The Cross Reference input for each product on the interface will depend on whether the organization is utilizing the integration from FieldAlytics to Merchant or not
- If the organization does NOT utilize the integration to Merchant- the Cross Reference can be the product name from FieldAlytics
- This name can be retrieved from FieldAlytics in the Product Management- Fertilizers tool
- This name can be retrieved from FieldAlytics in the Product Management- Fertilizers tool
- If the organization IS utilizing the integration to Merchant- the Cross Reference must be entered as the name of the product as it exists in Merchant
- This can be accessed in Merchant by clicking F8-Item and querying the product
- This can be accessed in Merchant by clicking F8-Item and querying the product
- If the organization does NOT utilize the integration to Merchant- the Cross Reference can be the product name from FieldAlytics
- The Order item unit will need to be set to the unit in which the interface will receive the product on the order
- For instance, if this product is applied in gallons/acre and entered as such on the order from FieldAlytics, the Order item unit will need to be Gallons
- If the retail organization is using the connection to Merchant Ag and the product is applied by the gallon but billed by the ton, the Default unit would need to be Tons and the Order item unit would need to be Gallons
Please Note: Unique Kahler products cannot have the same Cross Reference value
In regards to units and products, it is worth mentioning setup in Products > Products tab (1,2) within the interface. On the Products tab (2), the Cross Reference information can be viewed by selecting a product (3) and then the Interface setting (4) on the right in the Interface section. The Order item unit should remain as the unit the product is being received as on the order. The Default unit under the product Name should be set to the unit in which the product is dispensed from the Kahler system.
Please Note: if the organization has two mass flow meters for the Kahler system to deliver a product such as 32-0-0 as straight fertilizer, or 32-0-0 impregnated with chemical. Two products for 32-0-0 would need to be created, one would be the straight fertilizer product as “32-0-0” and “32-0-0 Chem” for instance. This way, when the order is submitted to Kahler, the interface can differentiate the two.
Configuring Customer on the Interface
- On the interface, navigate to the Interfaces section from the list on the left
- Navigate to the Interface Items tab
- Select Customers from the Cross reference type dropdown and then make sure Tm2EfcSystemsInterface is selected under Target Interface
- The Cross Reference for the customer will be entered as the grower GUID from FieldAlytics
- This information can be supplied by the FieldAlytics team or accessed by mapping the grower in FieldAlytics and clicking on the grower name in the upper right
- Click Save in the upper left after each customer Cross Reference is entered
Please Note: If the blender is setup and customers have not also been setup with the appropriate cross reference values. The interface will begin creating customer profiles but will not be setup with a cross reference value. These values would then need to be entered after the customer is created from the submission of jobs from FieldAlytics.