Yield Data Summary

 Yield Data Summary may be run from the VAR, Business Unit, Location, Grower and Farm levels, and will summarize all yield data events for a given year. See steps below

1. Within the Main tab Navigation Tree at the VAR/Business unit/Location level click the PDF icon below the site name at the profile level the desired report should be run from. The Yield Data Summary report is also available within the right pane at the Grower and Farm level. Once you have the desired site selected, in the right pane click Reports and choose Yield Data Summary from the dropdown provided.

2. Use the drop down menu to select "Yield Data Summary" then click "Submit". 
3. The system opens "Yield Data Summary" window, pictured below.

Please Note: Grower and Farm level Yield Data Summary menu will offer a selector for desired products, like in the example image below

4. Use Yield Data Summary window to select a year, then input any desired additional email addresses.

Yield Data Summary Options Explained
  • Select Commodities: Grower and Farm levels of the Yield Data Summary allow selection of available commodities. Select all desired commodities for report.
  • Year: Yield Data Summary can only be run against one year of data at a time. Select desired year.
  • Include Individual Field Data: Selecting this option causes the report to include totals for individual fields.
  • Include Grower Summary: Selecting this option causes the report to include totals for the Grower level.
  • Include Page Break Per Crop: Selecting this option causes each crop to be included on a separate page per crop.
  • Sorted by Harvest Average: Selecting this option causes the data in the report to be sorted by harvest average calculation.
  • Export as Excel File: When selected, this option causes the resulting Yield Data Summary report to come as a .xlsx file instead of a .PDF.

Example Yield Data Summaries

(Include Individual Field Data)

(Export as Excel File)

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