Yield by Variety by Soil Type Analysis

Yield by Variety by Soil Type Analysis reports may be generated on the Grower and Farm levels, and contains yield and variety data broken down against SSURGO soil type data. See help below for generating this report and for example report pages.

Generating Yield by Variety by Soil Type Analysis

  1. Select a Grower or Farm from the profile tree in the Main tab, then select "Reports" from the right pane.
  2. Use the drop down menu to select "Yield by Variety by Soil Type Analysis", then "Submit".
  3. The system opens "Yield By Variety by Soil type Options" menu window. Make desired selections and click "Submit".
  4. The report will arrive by email to the same email account that is the user name logged in at time of generation.

Yield by Variety by Soil Type Analysis Options Explained

  • Select Commodities : The contents of the Select Commodities area of the Yield By Variety By Soil type Options menu varies depending on the yield data available within the profile selected. Make the selections desired by clicking the check box before each option present.
  • Year: The contents of the Year drop-down menu directly reflects the years of the data available within the profile selected.
  • Select Report Type: This drop-down menu allows for the selection of a PDF or CSV format for the report.
  • Additional Email(s): Inputting additional email addresses into the "Additional Email(s)" input field causes the system to generate and email each email address a copy of the Yield by Variety by Soil Type Analysis.

Example Yield by Variety by Soil Type Analysis Pages

PDF Format

CSV Format

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