Add Data - Documents

Documents of any kind may be uploaded through the "Add Data" menu at or below the Grower, Farm or Field level to FieldAlytics for safekeeping. Follow steps below:

  1. Right click over a Grower, Farm or Field name within the Profile tree.
  2. Click "Add Data" from the menu that appears. 

  3. The "Data Upload" window appears. Select Data type: Documents

  4. Name the Document within the "Name" input field.
  5. If desired, input any notes within the "Notes" input field.
  6. Click "Choose File". A Windows explorer window will open, navigate through computer's folders to file to be uploaded. Click "Open"
  7. Back on the "Data Upload" window, click "Add/Upload".

Tips and What to Expect of Uploaded Documents

  • Uploaded Documents will be stored under the "Documents" folder placed under the Grower, Farm, or Field, depending on where the document was uploaded.

  • Documents stored in this folder may be retrieved by clicking the specific document under the Documents Folder then clicking the "Download File" link on the right-hand side panel.
  • Documents stored under the Documents folder may be deleted using the "Delete File" link that appears on the document level, right-hand side pane.

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