Custom Logo Report Addition
Fieldalytics has the capability to add custom web logos, report headers and footers as well as Master Soil Book cover sheet logos. Below are examples of the images that change and information about how to get your custom logo onto reports or even within Fieldalytics Web Application. NOTE: Custom logos must be submitted to the support group for integration using the link. Send Logo to Support
Custom Logo Format and File Type
Custom logos need to be submitted using the file type .png or .jpg. It is suggested that header/footer images are approximately a 5:1 ratio (width:height) when submitted so that they show clearly when used. Web, header and footer logos should be fairly small/simple images as the available report area is approximately 3.5 x 0.75 inches (width x height) when printed on standard paper. Web logo is generally smaller depending on monitor size, resolution and zoom. The examples below show where your custom logo is oriented on reports.