Yield Removal Case Tool
The Yield Removal Case Tool allows users to define templates that will allow for variability in removal application, depending selected nutrient thresholds. This tool is extremely handy in situations where users would like to apply measured or yield potential removed nutrient values only in areas of the field of certain test values. This tool will only influence Soil Fertility Analysis recommendations and not straight Removal only recommendations. Removal values per unit of yield can be set within Tools - Location Pref on the Removal tab, see related article for more information on defining removal rates.
Please Note: Selections made here effect all users for that location.
Accessing Yield Removal Case Tool
- Click the menu icon in the upper right hand corner of FieldAlytics screen.
- The system opens a small menu window, click "Tools".
- The system opens "Tools" menu window. Use drop-down menu to select "Yield Removal Case Tool".
- Click the green plus button.
Select a Crop [1], Nutrient [2] and Unit of measure [3], then click "Add Nutrient".
5. The removal case input fields will open. Leave at defaulted values or edit the Max, and Min thresholds [4], and their corresponding Removal % values [5]If desired, click the green plus icon next to "Removal %" [6] to add extra arguments and be sure that each input line defines the proper threshold and corresponding Removal %.
6. If desired, repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more nutrients.
7. Give the template a name, then click "Save" [7].
Adding CEC and/or Om Conditionals to K Removal TemplatesCEC and/or OM conditionals can be added to existing or new K removal templates.
The example pictured above states, if the value of CEC is less than 10, and the soil test value for K is between 0 and 100, apply 100% removal value. If the soil test value for K is between 100 and Max apply 0% removal. |
Applying a Template to a Location(s)
Before a Removal template will influence removal recommendations in Fertility, it must be saved to the desired Location(s) for use. Only one Yield Removal Case template may be saved to a location at a time, per crop.
- With the Template loaded, click "Assign to Profiles".
- Expand profile tree and select desired locations, then click "Save".
Applying a Template to a Grower(s)
Before a Removal template will influence removal recommendations in Fertility, it may be optionally saved to the desired Grower(s) for use. Only one Yield Removal Case template (per crop) may be saved to a grower at a time. The expansion of a location will expose the full grower list under each location. A template can then be assigned to one or many grower profiles.
- With the Template loaded, click "Assign to Profiles".
- Expand profile tree and select desired locations, then click "Save".
Profile Filter Display for Assigned Templates
Users can also easily now see which templates are assigned to a given profile. Select the "Filter Profile" action button shown below. This will then expose the users full profile tree display. Select a desired Location or Grower from the tree. The system will then limit the "Template" list to only showcase those that are currently assigned to the selected profile. This feature helps to easily identify the "active" template in use then within the system.
Removal Case Templates Applied in Fertility Tab
Fertility Rec with Removal Case Applied
Please Note: In this example, the point overlay is set to "Target Element" so the displayed values are the soil test results for phosphorus in this case. The user inputs for the selected equation were set to apply 0 product to build the soil test, the only application in this case is being provided via the referenced yield layer for removal values. As you can see, the areas of higher test values are not receiving any product due to the argument within the Yield Removal Case Template.
Fertility Rec without a Removal Case Applied
Please Note: Point overlay in this case is also set to "Target Element" (the values are the same as the scenario above). Without the Yield Removal Case Template saved to the location, the field will receive the full removal rate no matter what the soil test value is.