Truterra Setup

Our integration with Truterra automatically syncs profile information, boundary areas Crop Areas and Management Practices nightly for enabled Fields. New Organizations connecting to Truterra for the first time will need to obtain an AB number from Truterra, then provide this number to a member of our Customer Success team to connect their FieldAlytics location(s) to Truterra.

Activating Truterra Integration

  1. Click the menu icon in the upper right hand corner of FieldAlytics screen then select Tools

  2. The system opens "Tools" menu window. Use drop-down menu to select Truterra Integration.

  3. Use the "Location"[1] drop-down menu to select the desired location
  4. Use the "Select Grower"[2] drop-down menu to select desired Grower to enable.
  5. Enter the proper Truterra Farmer Id or email for that Grower [4].
  6. Click "Save" [4]

Once a Grower has been set up, users must then select each field to be enrolled

  1. Click on the Grower to expand the grower box and navigate to the field level

  2. At the field level, users may check individual fields and selecting yes or by selecting the green check box next to the Farm name to activate all fields within that farm

  3. Other functions present within the Grower box include
    1. info icon- requests Truterra Name
    2. Sync- click for an immediate manual sync with Truterra
    3. Delete- clicking this will deactivate the grower from Truterra
    4. Reset- in the event of sync issues, for instance missing fields in Truterra, but present in FieldAlytics, the connection can be Reset, followed by a sync to attempt to resolve issues.

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