As part of the on-going lineup of data tools, FieldAlytics is coordinating with Satshot to bring to market imagery products for better management of within-the-field variability. These offerings give field managers affordable and easy-to-use opportunities to differentiate, quantify and better treat field areas with unique needs. Here are answers the ag industry has awaited.
Products Currently Offered:
NIR: Near-Infrared The NIR analysis is the near-infrared band based on the sensors set wavelength range and will show the most amount of detail or variability. Soil influences can be present when there is smaller canopies or less biomass.
NDVIR: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index-Red NDVI is a simple vegetation index that allows the use of the NIR and visible Red channels. Where in the NIR analysis, soil influence may cause higher than normal biomass readings, NDVIR uses the visible Red channel to “normalize” the biomass readings. The relationship between the NIR and visible Red reflectance is inverse in plants and the greater the difference the healthier the plant. So, when visible Red light is also reflected back, as in a bright soil, it corrects the NIR reading.
NDV IG: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index-Green NDVIG uses the same formulation as NDVIR, but uses the Green channel for normalization. The Green channel has a direct relationship with NIR as research has shown that this index is more sensitive to chlorophyll differences than NIR alone.
Red - Edge: Unique to RapidEye, this band records wave lengths in the transition between the red absorbance and the NIR reflectance bands with no overlap in either.
NDVI-RedEdge: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - RedEdge NDVIRE is a modification of the traditional broadband NDVI. This VI differs from the NDVI by using bands along the Red Edge, instead of the main absorption and reflectance peaks. The NDVIRE capitalizes on the sensitivity of the vegetation Red Edge to small changes in canopy foliage content, gap fraction, and senescence. This is a unique Rapid Eye-Only product
Important Information about Satshot Imagery :
Not all areas of the United States are currently within SatShot Imagery coverage. To determine what Satshot imagery (if any) is available See topic: Determining Satshot Coverage.
Satshot images are downloaded directly through the FieldAlytics site with credits purchased from SatShot via EFC systems FieldAlytics.
Each image download removes 1/2 credit per acre. So a 80acre field would have a 40 credit impact on a credit balance.
All credits purchased are only valid for the current calendar year they are purchased in. Credits purchased that are not used by the end of the year will expire.
Satshot credits are sold in 'blocks" of 1,000 credits, or 500 credits. Initial minimum credit purchases start at 1000 credits.
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