Operations Overview Display and Report

The Operations Overview display offers near real time statistics of currently pending and completed work orders for the current day, and the current week through four expandable tabs.


When first visiting the Operations tab, the Overview will be collapsed in the top right corner of the map, see image to the right. This collapsed view can be opened [1] to view a quick summary of Jobs, and to access other actions, such as the expanded view button [2] and the Reports button [3].

This simple overview will display the number of work orders and jobs in the Accepted, Assigned, Prepared, In-Process or On-Hold statuses. These statuses correspond to the jobs that display on both the map pins and work order list in the left pane by default. Jobs of other statuses are filtered out to simplify the view.

In addition to the total number of work orders and jobs, Job Activity also lists the number of jobs entered today as well as for the previous 7 days (not counting today). These totals are also limited to those jobs with the status of Accepted, Assigned, Prepared, In-Process or On-Hold.

Expanded View

electing the expand icon [2] will enlarge this Overview window to display a number of other parameters:

  • Job Areas displays the acreage of completed, scheduled, and asset assigned jobs.
  • Dispatch Jobs by Type displays a table containing a break-down of job types by status and scheduled vs. unscheduled (dispatched vs. not yet dispatched).
  • Open Jobs displays jobs that are not yet completed
  • Closed Jobs displays those jobs that have been completed.

Operations Summary Report

Selecting the print icon [3] from either Overview display will request an Operations Summary Report including job and field count, acreage, and breakdown by job type. This report uses the currently applied filter in the Operations tab, see Operations filtering for help in applying a filter.

Example Operations Summary Report:

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