Operations Job Details

The Operations tab functions mainly as a portal where existing work orders can be managed in a geographical format.

Viewing Job Details

  1. Upon first clicking the Operations Tab, the system processes, then displays work orders in the left side pane. By default, the jobs that will show are in the Accepted, Assigned, Prepared, In-Process or On-Hold statuses. Filters may be applied [1] to see jobs of other status, and saved filters can be applied under Account that may affect this default view.
  2. Select any work order in the left pane by clicking on the name to expand and view the jobs listed under the work order [2], alternately the "Expand Job Details" button [3] can be used to expand and view jobs under every work order in the list.
  3. A simplified view of the job summary can be viewed by hovering over the "i" icon [4] next to a job name.
  4. Selecting the job using the check box, or clicking on the name will zoom the map to display the field in the map screen and load the job details into the Job Detail drop-down in the right pane. In addition to viewing the details, there are a number of actions that can be taken from within the Job Detail drop-down, see the Job Detail Actions sub-section below.

Job Detail Actions

While it is mostly informational allowing for careful addition of jobs to a dispatch list, there are some actions that can be performed under the Job Detail drop-down available in the Operations right pane. A view of this pane for an example job is presented to the right, and some key features are outlined below.

  • Current Weather Forecast: Queries the location for the job, providing the current conditions, forecast, and any profiles associated with this location.
  • Profiles: Selecting the field name from this list will re-center and zoom the map to display the field.
  • Assign asset: The "Assign Asset" window opens, click on the profile tree to expand the folders and select the asset(s) desired, after assigning an asset, the job status can be updated to Assigned, if desired.
    Clicking Job Details calendar icon allows the date for a to be set, or edited. Simply click the calendar icon, input a date, and click
    Please Note: Assigning a Job to a Dispatch List will overwrite the assets with the assets assigned at the time of Dispatch creation.
  • Report: Prints the Job as it would print from the Work Order tab, with the same available options.
  • Update Status: Job can be updated to any allowed status.
    Please Note: After setting a job to Completed, only a status change of Finalized, Invoiced or Archived is allowed.
  • Download Archive: This option allows the job to be downloaded via a pop-up window as a zipped folder. The folder will include the work order PDF, boundaries, application files, and attached file(s), if present.
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