Operations Filtering and Legends
The Operations tab is primarily for viewing Work Orders spatially in order to arrange them into Dispatch Lists. See following help sections to filter displayed work orders in Operations, and for explanations on the Operations color legend.
Job List Filtering
Within Operations there is now a way to filter the Job List by accepted date. To get to this new functionality users can go to the operations page and they will now see a drop down menu in the left hand panel under "Collapse Job Details". By selecting which way they would like to see the jobs, the page will then reload based on the criteria chosen.
Operations Legends
The Operations Legend (pictured on right) is reachable from the "Legend" drop-down of the right side pane in the Operations tab, near the bottom. The colors correlate to the work order status, which is displayed by the background coloration of the work order entries on the left hand side of the Operations screen as well as the map pins.
A legend describing job age (pictured below) can be obtained by hovering over the multi-color pie graph in the work order list on the left pane. This legend describes the color dot on the left
Operations Filtering
At the top right of the Operations tab, select the "Filter" button to access the Operations Filter. Within this window are tools to load, create or modify templates, as well as set up on the fly filtering to change the current view in Operations.
- Select A Template: This option allows the user to load up a previously created filter template
- Select A Template Option: This option allows you to save your current filter settings as a new template, edit a loaded template, delete a loaded template, or share a loaded, saved template to other users.
Please Note: Once saved, a filter template can also be applied to a user account, modifying the default view of Operations work orders - Application Timing: This option will allow you to filter by the application timing previously defined in the work order. The "Match Only" option returns jobs with only the selected timing, the "Match Any" option will match any jobs with the selected timing, even those that also have other timings selected.
- Asset: This option allows filtering by one or more assets selected from available assets in the profile tree.
- Customer: This option allows for filtering by jobs at the customer (grower) level. Growers can be selected from the drop down, this list can also be filtered by typing to easily find the desired grower(s). Multiple growers may be selected. This section also allows for filtering by grower Rep Number, which can be set in the Main tab under the speech bubble icon under a grower.
- Date/Range: Selecting "Date" allows you to filter jobs by start date, the optional "By Date of Status" check box will show jobs that have had their statuses updated to the selected status(es) on the requested date. Selecting "Range" displays jobs with a start date within the selected range, the optional "By Date of Status" check box will show jobs that have had their statuses updated to the selected status(es) during the requested date range.
- Past Due: Selecting this option will show only those jobs with an End Date as defined by the Job Wizard in the past.
- Location: Selecting this option allows you to view only jobs for selected Location(s).
- Profile: Selecting this option allows filtering at any profile tree level from the highest level all the way to a single field if desired.
- Inventory Site: Selecting this option allows for filtering by Inventory Site of a connected ERP (Such as Merchant Ag).
- User Entered: Selecting this option allows for filtering by the user than created the work order initially.
- VRA Work Orders: Selecting this option, then the "VRA" checkbox shows all jobs with variable rate application, those with an attached Saved Rx during work order creation. Selecting either "Non-Blended" or "Non-Blended" and "VRA" together will show only those VRA jobs that are not blended as directed by the job wizard setup.
- No Dispatch Assigned: Selecting this filter option causes only jobs that have not been assigned to a dispatch list to remain.
- Product: Selecting this option opens a Product Filter window. Select a Location first to filter by any product(s) available to that location. Chemicals have an additional "Type" check box option available to filter by type of chemical instead of specific products. The "Match Only" option returns jobs with only the selected product(s), the "Match Any" option will match any jobs with the selected product(s), even those that also have other products selected.
- Crop: Selecting the Crop filter allows selection of crop(s). Only those jobs with these crops defined in the Job Wizard will be displayed.
- Status: Selecting this filter will show only those work orders/jobs of the selected status(es).
Please Note: Both Jobs and Workorders are options within this filter. Work orders with multiple jobs may not all be the same status. - Age Of Order: Orders can be displayed by age category, using the same selections as the age legend, see Operations Legends sub-section above.
- Type: This option allows for display of only selected work order types.
- Geographical: This filter uses either a lat/lon coordinate or the map view to set a centroid, as well as an input radius to filter by only those jobs within a certain distance from a point.
- Include Dispatch: Selecting this option will also apply the filter, which normally only applies to the work order list on the left pane, to the Dispatch Log.
Please Note: This filter will include any Dispatch Lists with a stop in it that would correspond to a job in the work order list, even if not all stops are included in the filter.
Add as many filters as desired to the Operations Filter window. Any filter can be easily removed using the "-" button to the right of the filter. Once filters are in place, click "Submit" and the system will process to display only the work orders that fit the selected parameters on the Operations left side pane as well as the map pins.