Rx Summary Report
Rx Summary Report
The Rx Summary report will list Soil Sample point values alongside recommendation point values.
1. In the Fertility tab, under the Farm or Grower level within the profile tree, click the red Rx icon.
3. Rx Summary window will display. Expand the profile tree then select the desired profiles. 4. Click the "Next" button in the lower right corner of the "Rx Summary" window. 5. The "Equation" tab opens, select desired equation. 7. The "Elements" tab opens, select a desired crop from the "Crop" drop-down menu. 8. The window will refresh and shows the selectable Elements. 9. Select desired elements by checking their selection boxes. Click Next when desired elements are chosen. 10. The "Products" tab opens. 11. If desired click the "Apply Products to Results" check box. Once checked, dropdown boxes will appear for each selected element, allowing the user to choose the product they wish to use to satisfy that element requirement. 12. Select desired products per element. When finished, click the Next button. 14. The "Inputs" tab opens, type desired values into the input fields.
16. Report will be processed and then delivered within a separate browser tab. Rx Summary Options Explained
Example Rx Summary Reports