Creating and Managing Asset Alerts
Asset Alerts can be used to track assets movement during certain hours, or in certain geographical locations, or departing specified geographical locations. For more help, read below:
Creating New Alert Folder
Please Note: Alert folders must be created before alerts can be made. Follow steps below to create a new Alert Folder. 1. When in the Assets tab, right click over any profile location. The system opens small white menu (see image below) Select "Add Alert Folder" ![]() 2. The system opens "Add Alert Folder" naming window (see image below). Enter in a name for the Alert folder, and click "Add". ![]() 3. The system creates the Asset Alert folder in profile tree. |
Creating New Alerts
1. Right-click over Asset Alert folder, and the Add Alert menu (pictured below) will appear. Click "Add Asset Alert".![]() 2. The system will open "Add Asset Alert" window. Input a name for the alert, then choose Alert type. ![]() Available Alert Types Explained:
Creating Field Boundary Alerts
1. Follow the steps(1&2) for "Creating a New Alerts" 2. Input a name for the alert, then choose Alert type "Field Boundary" and click "Add" 3. The System opens a new Field Boundary Alert entry form. 4. Use the Asset selection area [1] to select the Asset(s) concerned. 5. Use the Profile selection area [2] to select the boundaries concerned. 6. Use the "Additional Emails"[3] input field to input any other email addresses (other than the email address that is the current user name) that an email alert should send to. 7. Click the "Send Email"[4] check box if an alert email is desired when the alert gets triggered. Please Note: Active alerts that do not have "Send Email" box checked, log themselves down in the "Alert Log" area for the specific saved alert. 8. Click the "Email Alert Cleared"[5] check box for a second email that indicates when the triggering condition is no longer met. 9. View the "Alert Log"[6] for submitted alerts 10. Click the "Submit/Update Alert" [7] button. 11. Alerts can be Activated/deactivated by unchecking the "Active"[8] check box |
Creating Geo Fence Alerts
1. Follow the steps(1&2) for "Creating a New Alerts" 2. Input a name for the alert, then choose Alert type "Inside Geo fence" or "Outside Geo Fence" and click "Add". 3. The system opens either a "Enter Geo Fence Alert" or "Exit Geo Fence Alert" form. 4. Use the Asset selection area [1] to define asset(s) concerned with the alert. 5. Use the "Radius" input field [2] to define the size of the geo fence. 6. Use the "Kilometers" [2] drop-down menu to define the unit of measure for geo fence. 7. Select any sort of Time delay desired, with the "Time Delay"[3] input field. Please Note: Time delay units are in minutes. Time Delay will cause the alert to only send if the triggering event lasts longer than the time delay defined. 8. Zoom into the map to the area desired for the geo fence. 9. Left click the map over the desired center location of the geo fence. 10. The "Blue Pin"[4] appears. The Latitude and Longitude[5] will display 11. Select a Time Delay (in minutes) to have the alert only log if the triggering condition persists longer than the time delay. 12. Input any additional email[6] addresses for email alerts, if desired. 13. Click "Send Email"[7] check box (if desired) Please Note: Active alerts that do not have "Send Email" box checked, log themselves down in the "Alert Log" area for the specific saved alert. 14. Click the "Email Alert Cleared"[8] check box for a second email that indicates when the triggering condition is no longer met. 15. Click "Submit/Update Alert"[9] button. 16. View the "Alert Log"[10] for submitted alerts 17. Alerts can be Activated/deactivated by unchecking the "Active"[11] check box
Creating Off Hours Alerts
1. Follow the steps(1&2) for "Creating a New Alerts" 2. Input a name for the alert, then choose Alert type "Off Hours" 3. The system opens "Off Hours Alert" entry form. 4. Use the Asset selection area [1] to select asset(s) concerned. 5. Use the Restrict movement to range of hours area [2] to define appropriate time of movement for the asset. Please note: All asset movements that fall outside of the appropriate movement range will trigger an alert. Leaving either the Weekday input fields or the Weekend input fields set to 1 AM to 1AM will cause any movement to trigger an alert for those days. 6. Input any additional email[3] addresses for email alerts, if desired. 7. Click "Send Email"[4] check box (if desired). Please Note: Active alerts that do not have "Send Email" box checked, log themselves down in the "Alert Log" area for the specific saved alert. 8. Click the "Email Alert Cleared"[5] check box for a second email that indicates when the triggering condition is no longer met. 9. Click "Submit/Update Alert"[6] button. 10. View the "Alert Log"[7] for submitted alerts 11. Alerts can be Activated/deactivated by unchecking the "Active"[8] check box |
Create New Speed Alert
1. Follow the steps(1&2) for "Creating a New Alerts" 2. Input a name for the alert, then choose Alert type "Speed" 3. The system opens new Speed Alert entry form. 4. Use the Asset selection area [1]to select asset(s) concerned. 5. Use "Alert Attributes"[2] area to select the speed setting conditions. 6. Input any additional email[3] addresses for email alerts, if desired. 7. Click "Send Email" [4] check box (if desired). Please Note: Active alerts that do not have "Send Email" box checked, log themselves down in the "Alert Log" area for the specific saved alert. 8. Click the "Email Alert Cleared" [5] check box for a second email that indicates when the triggering condition is no longer met. 9 Click "Submit/Update Alert" [6] button. 10. View the "Alert Log"[7] for submitted alerts 11. Alerts can be Activated/deactivated by unchecking the "Active"[8] check box |
Create New Unauthorized Movement Alert
1. Follow the steps(1&2) for "Creating a New Alerts" 2. Input a name for the alert, then choose Alert type "Unauthorized Movement". 3. The system opens "Unauthorized Movement Alert" entry form. 4. Use the Asset selection area [1] to select asset(s) concerned. 5. Input any additional email[2] addresses for email alerts, if desired. 6. Select "Send Email"[3] tick box if desired. Please Note: Active alerts that do not have "Send Email" box checked, log themselves down in the "Alert Log" area for the specific saved alert. 7. Click the "Email Alert Cleared"[4] check box for a second email that indicates when the triggering condition is no longer met. 8. Click "Submit/Update Alert"[5] button. 10. View the "Alert Log"[6] for submitted alerts 11. Alerts can be Activated/deactivated by unchecking the "Active"[7] check box |
Inactivating and Deleting Saved Asset Alerts
Saved asset alerts may be set to inactive so they will not trigger an alert, or deleted from the system completely. Follow the tips below:
To Inactivate a Saved Alert:
1. In the Assets Tab, click the saved Asset Alert within the profile tree, and it will load within the Asset window. 2. Click the "Active" check box to un-select it. ![]() 2. Click "Submit/Update Alert" button. To Delete/Rename/Copy a Saved Alert:1. In the Assets Tab, right-click over the saved Asset Alert. 2. The system opens a small white menu. Click "Delete Asset Alert" or "Rename Asset Alert" or "Copy Asset Alert" To Delete/Rename a Saved Alert Folder:1. In the Assets Tab, right-click over the saved Asset Alert folder. 2. The system opens a small white menu. Click "Delete Asset Alert Folder" to delete, or click "Rename Asset Alert folder" |