Yield Profit Map

Yield Profit maps show the most profitable portion of the field, break even levels, average profits and more. See help below for steps to generate or for example Yield Profit Map report pages.

Generating Yield Profit Reports

  1. Click on any Field Level within the Main tab.
  2. From the right side pane, select "Reports" then Yield Profit Map".
  3. The system opens "Yield Profit Map Options" utility window. Select a Yield.
  4. Input the market value and total cost values.
  5. Click Submit. 
  6. The system processes and then displays the data visually within the map screen.
  7. Click the  link that appears at the bottom of the right pane.
  8. Report will be delivered live, within a separate browser tab.

Example Yield Profit Report

Yield Profit Maps By Zones

1. In the Main tab, expand down to any field level.
2. From the right side pane, select "Reports" then "Yield Profit Map". 
3. Select desired yield layer, then expand profile tree and select desired management zone layer.

4. Input market value and cost per zone, then click "Submit". Data is again presented visually on the map

5. Click the link text that displays at the bottom of the right pane, example is below.

Example Yield Profit by Zone Report

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