Field Information
Field Information
The Field Information displays record keeping inputs, as well as inputs that populate certain reports, and provide billable acres for Work Orders.
Accessing Field Information
- In the Main tab, on the field level, click the Field Info icon listed under the field within the profile tree.
Field Information Function
- Season Display Area : If there are any Seasons (and season zone areas) defined for the field, those seasons and varieties display.
- System Generated Field Details : When a new field is created FieldAlytics automatically generates these values and stores them. They are also displayed within the right side gray panel display on the field level.
- Glyphosate Resistant Weeds : The information stored in these drop-down menus are for reference purposes.
- FSA Number : This number will populate FSA Number on Crop Insurance reports.
- FSN Number: Option to input a FSN Number
- Track Number: Option to input a Track Number
- Field Number: Option to input a operation Field Number
- Unit Number: Option to input a Unit number
- Practice type: Option to record a Practice Type
- FSA Acres: Option to input FSA acre value
- Insurance Acres: Option to input Insurance acres
- Billable Acres: Filling in this box will automatically update the billable acres when this field is selected for a work order and total product is based on this value rather than the bounded acre value.
- Landlord Name: Option to input a Landlord name
- Account Name: Option to input an Account name
- Account Number: Option to input an Account Number
- Billable Acres : When a numeric input is provided for this entry area, that will cause new work orders within the Work Order tab to calculate based on the Billable Acres instead of the field acre.
- Expense Share Option : When the "Uniform" radial selector is selected, that causes all of the crop share inputs to populate based on the provided input. If the Itemized option is selected, that will allow differing share % to be input per input line.
All other inputs are either for reference, populate the Crop Insurance reports, or display on the right side gray panel. ![](//