Correlation Analysis Report

Correlation Analysis Report allows for the comparison of Yield, Elevation, Veris, Imagery(NDVI), and Field Sample Nutrient data with an option of overlaying SSURGO layer. 

Generating Correlation Analysis Reports

  1. Click on any Field Level within the Main tab. 
  2. From the right side light gray panel, click the "Tools" drop-down menu and select "Correlation Analysis".

  3. The system opens "Correlation Analysis" utility window. This window will remain open even after options have been chosen and submitted.
  4. Expand the drop-down menus & select the data sets for comparison. 

  5. Click "Submit".
  6. The system will process and then displays a visual representation of the calculations within the Map screen.

  7. Within the same right side light gray panel, click "Report" link text.

  8. Report is delivered within a separate browser tab.

Example Correlation Analysis Report Pages

What to Expect:

This report is not as simple as green is positive correlation and red is negative correlation. It's specifically a positive correlation map, green is a high positive correlation and red is a low positive correlation. The map moves all negative and medium correlation to the middle. The design of this report is to pull the high and low positive correlation values to the ends of the map as potential areas of interest.

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