Exporting Yield Data

Yield data sets may be exported in shape and raw formats. See help sections below in order to export yield data in shape or raw data formats.

Exporting Yield Shape Files

  1. Click on any Yield data set from the Main tab.  
  2. Once on the data set, click the "Exports" button towards the bottom of the screen on the right-hand side
  3. From the drop-down menu select option "Shape".
  4. The system processes and then opens a separate browser window, with a link for the export inside.
    Please note: This window is a "Pop-Up Style" window, please ensure all pop-up blockers are turned off in order to receive export properly.

    5. The yield shape file is downloaded to the computer.

Exporting Raw Yield Files 

  1. Click on any Yield data set from the Main tab. 
  2. Once on the data set, click the "Exports" button towards the bottom of the screen on the right-hand side
  3. From the drop-down menu select option "Raw Data".
  4. Click "Go".
  5. The system processes and then opens a separate browser window, with a link for the export inside. See third image on right.
    Please Note: This window is a "Pop-Up Style" window, please ensure all pop-up blockers are turned off in order to receive export properly.

   6. Click the "Download Export" link.

   7. The yield raw data file is downloaded to the computer.

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