Adding Soil Sensor Data

Soil Sensor is a new data type introduced to FieldAlytics that allows users to upload data high resolution soil data provided by Soil Optix and Earth Optics. Uploaded soil sensor data is currently unavailable to use within Fertility, however, users may still utilize this new data type to create Management Zones.

To add soil sensor data, navigate the the field level and right click on the field name, select add data.

Next, under Data Type, select Soil Sensor from the list.

Now choose the appropriate information for Date, Sensor Type and File Type. Choosing a File Type will automatically update the Lab to the corresponding option (Soil Optix or Earth Optics). Next click on Choose File and find the correct file within the file explorer.

Once the file has been chosen, click Add/Upload to finish.

Viewing Soil Sensor Data

The Soil Sensor Data will now be located within a new data folder within the field named Sensor Data. Open the folder and select the sample date to view.

Now select an element to display on the map.

Users may now run any functions from the Action menu or use the data to create Zones from the histogram.

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