Merchant Batches from Orders

Create Merchant Batches from FieldAlytics Work Orders is a new preference enabling user groups using the integration to send all jobs created in the same work order to Merchant Ag to create a single Merchant Batch. Initially, a setting must first be activated to enable this order to Batch capability. Start by clicking on the menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen and selecting Tools.

From here select the Connect 3rd Party ERP from the drop down menu. Now, select Merchant Ag then the appropriate Merchant Client. Check the box next to Create Merchant Batches from FieldAlytics Work Orders instead of Jobs. Click Save to finish.

When creating a Work Order with multiple Jobs that need to be submitted as a Merchant Batch, users must check the Submit Jobs as Batch box within a new Options section of the ERP tab. This is checked by default if the preference is turned on within the tool when creating new orders in FieldAlytics. This box can be unchecked while creating the order to submit each job, creating a batch the traditional way on a case by case basis.

Please Note: This option is only available for Fertilizer and Chemical Application orders, along with Soil Sampling.

Once users save the Work Order a warning message will be displayed showing the implications of submitting as a Merchant Batch.

  • Products and product quantities can be edited

Edits are NOT allowed for these attributes when using this submission preference:

  • Inventory site
  • Billable services
  • Field profiles

In order to protect the integrity of the aggregate batch within Merchant, these attributes must remain constant throughout the life of the order.

Please Note: Jobs updated to Cancelled or Rejected in FieldAlytics will NOT be aggregated with the other jobs on the order upon submission. This is by design to give users a way to indicate they no longer would like to execute a given job on a larger order for any reason.

Now within the Work Order list, users must submit the Work Order to Merchant to receive the Merchant Batch ID. Click the menu next to Print and select Submit Order to Merchant Ag. The user must prompt this from the order level in order to send to Merchant. Job status changes will not control the submission when using this preference. However, similar to repetitive submission by job on status change to update quantities, this submission option can be prompted at any point throughout the life of the order and subsequent jobs.

Now each job within the Work Order will reflect the same Merchant Batch ID since they are being aggregated upon submission to Merchant.

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