FAA Map Layer
Users can visualize FAA obstacles within the map area to aid in dispatching, or to simply understand what potential hazards may exist in a geospatial area. This layer can assist with planning for aerial application or any sort of intended utilization of a UAV or drone.
Viewing FAA Obstacles in Main
The FAA obstacle layer can be visualized within the Main module. This gives users the ability to view profiles alongside this layer.
Accessing FAA Layer in Work Orders
FAA Obstacles can appear within two separate areas within the Work Orders, the first of which being within the profile selection tab of the Work Order Job Wizard.
Click on the Map options button in the upper right corner of the map and select FAA Obstacles to turn on the Layer.
Users also have the option to include the FAA layer within the Work Order PDF. To include the FAA layer within the Work Order PDF, first click Print on a Work Order.
Next check the box next to Include FAA Obstacles. Click Confirm to generate the report.
Viewing the FAA Layer in Operations
The FAA map layer can be viewed within the Operations module while constructing dispatches. This provides awareness of any obstacles that may be present in a geospatial area when assigning jobs to a dispatch list.