Exporting Boundaries from Operations Center

Shapefile boundaries can be exported out of Operations Center and then imported into FieldAlytics, or elsewhere. Follow the steps below to export boundaries from and Operations Center Organization.

  1. Once logged in to Operations Center, select the Organization (if Partnered with many) you would like to export boundaries for
  2. Go to Setup and select Land in the upper left
  3. Click on "Boundaries" [1]
    1. This should present the viewer with all farms and fields the Organization has a boundary for
  4. Select the field(s) you would like to export boundaries for [2]
    1. The box at the top of the list can be used to select all fields with a boundary at once [3]

  5. Once a field(s) have been selected, the Export option will become available in the upper right, click "Export" [4]
  6. Select "Export Boundaries" at the top of the modal presented to the viewer [5]
  7. Name the export [6]
  8. Select "Shapefile" as the File Type [7]
  9. In the Boundaries section, either selection can be used (these options are similar to export options within FieldAlytics)
    1. Export one file: this while give you one shapefile containing every boundary selected
    2. Export individual files: this will give you one shapefile for every boundary selected
  10. Leave the File Destination set to "Export to my organization's Files"
  11. Click "Export Land Data" [9]

Once prompted to export, you will be presented with a message asking if you would like to go to Files, select the option to take you to Files. Once there, the export can be downloaded when prepared.

Importing Boundaries from Operations Center to FieldAlytics

The boundaries export out of Operations Center can be uploaded at the location level or to a new or existing grower profile. The instructions below outline the upload to a new grower profile.

If the grower already exists in FieldAlytics and has boundaries for some or all fields, the boundaries can be uploaded with the steps below but any mismatched names for farms and fields will create duplicate field profiles. It is suggested to upload individual files per field to update the boundary if the names are different between Operations Center and FieldAlytics. In step 8 above, you should use the "Export individual files" option if this is the case.

  1. Right click the new grower name in FieldAlytics
  2. Select "Add Data"
  3. In the Data Type dropdown, select "Profile/Boundary"
  4. Click "Choose File"
  5. Locate the directory the file downloaded from Operations Center is saved within and select it, this is likely the local Downloads folder on your computer
  6. Click "Add/Upload" in the bottom right of the Data Upload modal
    1. The user will be presented with two dropdowns to indicate the Farm name and Field name
    1. "FARM_NAME" is the farm name as it exists in Ops Center
    2. "FIELD_NAME" is the field name as it exists in Ops Center
  7. Select "FARM_NAME" for Farm and "FIELD_NAME" for Field, click "Upload"

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