Why is my Field missing Auto Generated layers?

Why is my field missing all automatically generated data layers?

  • Fields that contain invalid boundary vertices or are of excessive size can fail to generate these data layers. A boundary refresh can clean up invalid polygons. To do so, select Field Boundary under the field name(1), then click on an Exterior Polygon in the right pane(2). Select the save icon from the left side of the map(3). The boundary is now refreshed and all auto layers should also refresh. Please Note: Fields containing very complex boundaries or of excessive area may need split. Field size of less than one square mile is generally save, although very complex boundaries or very long thing fields can reduce the field size that successfully populates data.

Why is my field missing SSURGO data?

  • SSURGO data may not be available for the area, available SSURGO data can be visualized by selecting Layers from the top of the map, then SSURGO Data, then Show. Fields within city limits for example, generally have not had a soil survey done.

Why is my field missing Normalized Yield/Yield Potential?

  • Normalized Yield is dependent on having multiple years of good satellite imagery. Yield potential can be generated from soil data which requires SSURGO data with crop-specific yield potentials attached to the soil types, or from NDVI data which is dependent on having imagery and reported county averages for listed crops.
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