How do I clear my cache?
Certain issues within FieldAlytics, such as button not responding, button missing, or unexampled behaviors can be a result of localized computer inference inhibiting background processes. To Remedy this behavior you'll want to perform a Clearing of your Cache on your computer, this document outlines the steps to clear your cache in Google Chrome.
- Begin by starting on you browser window(Google Chrome is the recommended Browser for best performance with FieldAlytics), either holding down Ctrl+SHIFT+Delete or click on the 3 Dots in the top right corner>Settings>Type "Clear">Select "Clear Browsing Data". In the Clear browsing data window choose the Basic tab, Time Range "All Time", check mark the 3 options and click "Clear data". Once finished you'll need to log back into FieldAlytics. Please Note: If the Clearing of the Cache fails to eliminate the issue, Please reach out to the support team.