FieldAlytics Mobile Release v1.25

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 1.25 of the FieldAlytics Mobile app as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.


Users now have the ability to see Target Rate within job details. Enabling applicators to have quick and clear access to this information while in the field. 

Another new feature that users have the ability to use now is the Blend Sheet for all fertilizer work orders within the dispatch list. This allows applicators to see even further into the day and does not limit them to seeing a blend sheet for the specific job they are viewing. 

Applicators now have a new compliance option with FieldWatch Layer to ensure that sensitive areas such as nearby beehives or organic crop fields can be viewed within the mobile app during the process of completing a work order. 

Additionally, users can now see POI Assets and Location Assets on the map view within mobile. This gives users a way to see where they may be delivering to, pickup product from and it also shows Crop Annotations which gives the applicator an inside look on sensitive crops. 

Lastly, within Job Details users now can see the Inventory Site for the job they are viewing.

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