FieldAlytics v3.98 Release Notes

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.98 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.



Grower Level POI Asset Creation and Management

To better promote and expand the use of the Delivery Ticket work order type, users will now be able to create POI (Point of Interest) Asset types from the Main tab. This new flexible option will give existing users who do not currently have access to the Asset administration module the unique ability to create and setup grower level POI assets direct from Main.

The primary use for these grower level POI assets will be to enable the vital information required to establish a Delivery Ticket Work Order request in the platform. The POI asset setup will allow the user to create a new Asset Folder/Profile and then configure a fixed lat/lon positional point to the asset.

The coordinate information that has been established is then able to be mapped and viewed within the client’s “Layers” and later used as a grower specific delivery option in the job setup process for Delivery Ticket Work Orders and later within the various filter types found in the Operations Dispatch module for scheduling purposes.

Setting up a Grower Level Asset from MAIN

Begin the process by drilling down to a specific grower within the profile tree in Main. Once the grower has loaded on the map display, navigate over to the right-hand pane and the “Tools” option from the available action buttons. You should then see an option for “Grower Assets”. Select this action button.


The system will then open a new “Asset Management” display modal. At this time, the system will perform a quick check to see if any POI type assets exist for the grower. If so, the map will zoom into that area on the map. If no assets are found, the map display will have help text showing “This Grower Has No Assets”.

In either case, simply select the green “Add” button        in the upper-right corner of the modal to begin the process of creating a new asset. The system will then display an “Add Asset” window. Provide an “Asset Name”, “Asset Type” and assign this to a new or existing “Asset Folder”. If no existing Asset Folder is available, provide a new name for the folder and then select the “Create Folder” option and then select “Save”.


At this point, the “Add Asset” modal will close, and the user will once again be on the primary “Asset Management” window. The page will have the POI Asset then showing next to the map. The user will now need to “Edit” the asset and fill in the required information and positional details for the POI asset.

Fill out the Asset Owner, ID, Address, Contact, Cost, and any other details specific to the asset. For map display purposes, the Wireless System setting will be defaulted to “Manual Tracking”. This option will then allow the user to either type in a Lat/Lon value in the entry boxes, or simply zoom in on the map and left click on the exact location of the fixed map coordinate. Users can update this or change it by selecting a new point on the map at any time. Once finished, verify the desired “map icon” for the display and select “Save Edit”.


Refresh the Grower profile within the tree to then expose the newly created Asset Folder and POI Asset. Enable the “layers” feature for Asset to view this within the map. The asset created is now fully functional within the system and available or any future downstream assignments to Job Work Orders and Dispatches.


Master Soil Book “Limit Selection by Field” Display Update

To better provide users with transparency during the report setup process, the Master Soil Book selection process will now clearly indicate to the user fields that have an available soil data set to use.

This new display feature will come available at both the Farm and Grower level entry point for the Master Soil Book report option. Within this report selection, select the dropdown arrow for “Limit Selection by Field”. If ran from the Grower Level, proceed by then selecting an available Farm. This will update the form to showcase all available fields associated to the Farm.

The new display option added, will now showcase any field with available soil data to be highlighted in the same “Brown” color used within Fertility. This color designation, along with the “Shovel” icon will be the clear indicator that the field has soil data. Fields with no colorization or icon do not have soil data, and thus will not return valid reports where soil data is required.

Continue with your profile selection and report setup. Select available reports that properly match your field profile selection. Select the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page to then finalize your selection and generate the report request.

Updated Profile Selection View for Fields with Soil Data


Work Orders


Exclusion Option Added for Product Filter Functions

For users working within the “Filter” feature found both in Work Orders as well as Operations, users will now have an additional display control option to “exclude” jobs based on the Product or App Timing filter selection.

This new feature will allow users to select products or application timing values, and then, under the available filter functions, will be a new option to either pick if the result of the match “Has selected products” or “Does not have selected products”.

Product Filter Display – “Does not have selected product”


By adding this new option, users will be able to identify a product or app timing method that they perhaps do not need to currently address and then only filter for the jobs that have other products or app timing selections.

By leaving the option to “Has selected Products” the filter will work like it always has and thus include the jobs that match the selected options results.

Dispatch to Blenders for Delivery Tickets / Grower Pickup

For Clients working with Delivery Ticket Work Orders defined with the Delivery Method type of “Pickup”, a new operational feature will now be available within the job actions menu to allow users to set and define both the Inventory Site and Blender Configuration details for the job. This work order type has a different distinction from others as often the salesperson is responsible for the dispatch of the order to a blender as the grower arrives at the location for pickup.

This new tool will easily allow users to update a product Inventory Site for any connected ERP grower jobs as well as dispatch the job to the connected blender for dispensing.

To utilize this new feature, clients can simply click on the dropdown arrow found on the Work Order job line next to the “Edit” action button. In the available list will be an option for “Inventory Site and Blender Configuration”.

The resulting selection will then expose the setup configuration modal. Users can then select their Inventory Site from the available dropdown as well as define the Blender ID that will be utilized. For non-ERP connected users, an inventory site does not need to be defined. Upon submit, the job will be sent to the connected blender.

Display of Configuration Modal



Equation Logic Updates for Min/Max Input Constraints

A new feature available within the Fertility Rec writing process will allow for custom thresholds to be requested by a user group and then set within the equations that clients use specific to Min, Max, and Default values for various input variables. This new option will be limited to “private” equation sets, since the control feature for these options must be implemented directly within the equation itself and then becomes the master control for all users who share with that equation.

The utilization of this new display control feature will focus on equations that have free-form entry requirements. Example use case scenarios where these may be applicable would be, but not limited to:

-       Crop Yield Goals

-       P or K Build To/Optimum Levels

-       P or K Maintenance Cutoff Levels

-       Build Years or Number of Applications


In all these situations, the user is presented with an entry form to enter in a numeric value they desire for said variable. But this also leads to the potential of an incorrect value being keyed in, or a value well beyond the typical of what should run or what is agronomically feasible.

So, with the addition of this backend control, any user group wishing to implement these thresholds would need to work with the client services team directly to help process the initial request.

These functions will then serve both as a guideline and safeguard for users working in the program for generation of their Variable Rate Fertilizer Rx layers. Once a Min Value or Max Value has been defined, the users then cannot enter in a value below or above that defined threshold. The users will also see these values as a hover-over display while having their cursor within the entry box for that equation variable.

Example Equation Scenario with Min/Max/Default applied to Input Variables


      <variable ="Corn Yield Goal" unit="bu/ac" minValue="0", maxValue="450", defaultValue="200"/>

      <variable ="K Build To Level" unit="lbs/ac" minValue="200", maxValue="400", defaultValue="300"/>

      <variable ="K Maint Cutoff" unit="lbs/ac" minValue="300", maxValue="600", defaultValue="400"/>

      <variable ="Build Years" unit="none" minValue="1", maxValue="8", defaultValue="4"/>

                  ***Name/Items listed above are just example scenarios***


So based on the previous example, users now working with that equation set would have limiting bounds on each of the listed input variables. The system would load in the default value defined but would allow for user modification to run a different value. Based on the supplied Min and Max values, the user would only be able to supply an updated value that is equal to or between the Min and Max.

In the example supplied for “Corn Yield Goal” we set the “Default” at 200 bu/ac, but then allowed for a Minimum of 0 and a Maximum of 450. Only values between 0 and 450 can be supplied now when running this select equation. If the user attempts to enter a value outside that defined range, the system will update it back to either the Min or Max value (depending on what side of the range the user entered).

Hover Over display on Equation Variable Input Value (Min/Max)

Saved Fertility Template Performance Improvements

Clients working with existing “Saved Templates” within the Fertility module will now be able to select and load these into the Rx generation form with a significant decrease in time spent loading. Several improvements to the loading process have been implemented to allow for the template and all individual elements to populate into the Rx interface within a timely manner.

To utilize the Saved Fertility Templates, clients can easily navigate over to the Fertility module. Once on this page, identify your profile(s) that the Rx will be generated on. Then, instead of selecting an equation set and element list, instead navigate to the bottom of the righthand pane and select the “Load Template” text link.


Then, once the “Select Template” display modal has populated, pick an existing template from the available dropdown list. The modal will display all current defined values and criteria for the template. Finalize the selection by clicking on the “Load Template” button at the bottom of the window. The fertility module will then quickly load in the setup criteria and allow the user to run the configuration.




Unit Preference Update for Soil Sample Data Display Defaults

A functional and visual change has been made to the “Soil Samples” Unit Preference tool within the system. The system will now correctly indicate if a preference has not been defined and set by a location. Previously, the tool page showed “lbs/ac” by default, even if a preference had not yet been defined.

So, with this update, users navigating to the Soil Samples tab will clearly be able to see if any elements have a default unit of measure preference set.

-       If the location does have a “unit” defined for an element, the system will then ensure that regardless of how the soil data was uploaded (either by the user, or by a soil laboratory direct), that the display of the data will be converted into that desired view unit specified for that element (lbs/ac or ppm).

-       If the location does not have a “unit” defined for an element, the Unit Preference tool will visually indicate this by having the Unit column empty “- -“ and then, within the system, the visual display of the results will simply use the unit of measure that was set specific to that events upload.

Please also be aware, that the Unit Preference for the Soil Sample units can be updated at any time, and this will immediately update the display for any/all sample events in the system for that location. This unique ability allows user groups to have great flexibility in how they view and manage their data.

Unit Preference – Soil Samples Interface Display


Performance Improvements


·      Profile selection maintained when navigating from Fertility to Main

·      Update to Application Timing selection menu

·      Fertility PDF update for instance of No Tender Map

·      Fertility PDF update for Map Display and Orientation

·      Updates for inactive ERP Products and their display

·      Work Order creation from Saved Rx error resolved

·      SoilView API updates for file handling

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