FieldAlytics v3.97 Release Notes

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.97 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.



3rd Party Rx Multiple File Support

Users working with Rx files from outside sources will now have better control over the event layer display within the profile tree. Updates have been made that will allow users to take multiple event files and conjoin them for a single upload instance.

This update should help any user group where the 3rd party software vendors either cannot export the files in a single multi-product file or are possibly getting prescription files from more than one source.

In either scenario, users now have the tools to take several shapefile events for application and merge them all under a single Zip file attachment. To begin the process, start by locating all the Rx event files for a particular field.

In the example below, the 3rd Party program created an individual zip file per product. This scenario has a Lime, Potash and DAP file, each currently contained in their own zip file with the embedded shapefiles and their dependents inside of each zip file.

Creating the Required File Structure

Using your computer’s file explorer functions, highlight the needed zip files and then find and select your action option to exact all highlighted files. This will create a folder per product event in the listed file destination of your choice.


Next, with the extracted folders now available to the user, select and highlight these instances and then select the option to “Send To – Compressed Zipped Folder”. This action will take the highlighted folders and all their contents and place them all into a new single compressed zip file that has the shape file contents of all the selected product events that were formerly single events.


Within your File Explorer window, you will now have the visibility to see and select your new singular zip file from the file list. This will then be the file that will next be uploaded into the FieldAlytics system for your 3rd Party Rx event.


Uploading the 3rd Party Rx Zip File

Navigate down to the Field Level within the Main tabs profile tree view. Once the correct field has been selected, right-click on the Field Name to then see and select the option to “Add Data” to the field. Select the Data Upload option for “Generic Data Shape” and then select the “Choose File” button to enable the option to browse and select the zip file for this event.

At this point, the import wizard display will update to then allow the user to identify the Data Upload type. Ensure that “3rd Party Rx” is selected and then proceed by clicking on the “Next” action button. Supply an “Event Name” and “Rx Upload Date” for the event.

Set up all the known data elements contained within your zip file. There should be a pre-populated row for each found file and product in the zip file uploaded. The user will be required to match the “Element” up to the matching “DBF Column” name. Please keep in mind that the Column Name shown is that which is coming directly from the 3rd party systems naming structure for their files. This should contain your product name as shown within that system. Next, match-up the proper FieldAlytics fertilizer product for each row/element. This will be the identified product that will go out with the final export file from the FieldAlytics system.


Select the “Next” action button once the above listed requirements have been identified. Complete the upload process by then selecting the “Finish” action button. This will allow the system to then process the file request and associate the map data to the selected field within the system.


Once processing has completed, the system will refresh on the field profile tree and then display a new/available “Saved Rx – 3rd Party” data folder. Within this folder the system will create a sub-folder per “Year” of uploaded events and then make available each event based on supplied “name”.

From the event display window, users have full access to all needs, the PDF report, controller file exports, as well as Work Order creation features.

Master Soil Book and Fields with No Soil Sample Data

Users working within the Master Soil Book setup modal will now have some updated display and control features when working with or selecting a field that does not have a field sample event with valid soil sample data associated to it.

This updated functionality is very important as several reports within the Master Soil Book require soil sample data to generate, along with Fertility Analysis functionality.

As such, if a user attempts to select a field with no Soil Data, the system will alert the user with a popover display indicating why the Soil Fertility options and various reports that require soil data have been disabled within the setup modal. This update will also ensure that the option for the “date” selection is disabled if the user attempts to use the feature to select an event by date range.

A final part to this update will ensure that the email information sent out is accurate, and clearly indicates instances where reports could not be generated because of missing soil sample data.

Master Soil Book - Alert and Report Options Removed on NO Soil Sample Data Field


Work Order


Changes for Partial Work Order Updates and View Modifications

Several performance improvements have occurred within the general Work Orders page to better allow clients to work within it quickly and efficiently. These modifications will help improve the overall performance and load time of an organizations work orders. Users will also see improvements with established filters, view/sort display functions, as well as expansion of job details and mass updates.

From a visibility standpoint, a user-friendly feature was implemented that will showcase any newly created Work Orders and their Jobs at the top of the work order list. This will easily allow the user to see and view any of the newly added jobs without the need to either scroll, filter or sort to find them.

This same functionality will stay intact for all new jobs added within that user’s current session within the module. However, any manual refresh, exiting of the module or filtering to modify the view will then resort all jobs and remove the newly created from showing at the top of the page.

View of Newly Created Jobs Displaying at Top of Page View

Soil Service Provider – SoilView Updates

Clients working with SoilView as their 3rd-Party soil service provider can now have greater insight and interaction with the existing API connection and its features for this service.

Updates added will now provide valuable feedback and notifications to the users when jobs have been marked as “Completed” on the SoilView side. This notification will allow the FieldAlytics platform to then update the job status level to “Complete” as well as include a time-stamped notice within the job status history list, the final Work Order overview PDF report as well as within the primary job notes display section, and then also within the quick view display from the job overview screen.



Behind the scenes updates for this integration will now enable SoilView to post back the necessary logged field boundary updates and collected Soil Sample changes that occurred with the work done out in the field.

Any newly logged boundaries will update the current version stored within the system. The programs boundary history will reflect these changes within our stored logs. Also, the collected Field Sample layers will reflect any updates or changes to samples collected, sample locations, or ID numbers that differed from the original target/directed sample event layer associated to the Soil Sampling work order job.

A final update to the service will prompt the generation of the needed lab check-in form based on the submitted event data contained within the sampling job details.

Soil Sampling Work Orders – Filter by Sampling Method


Users will now have an additional Work Order job filter function for “Sampling Method”. This feature will enable users to search for and limit their job display list by select soil sampling methods that have been defined within their job setup.

This new option will show directly in the “Work Order Filter” display modal. Users will access this from the Job Overview window by selection in the “Filter” button function.


With the user’s selection(s) made, select the “Submit” action button to then have the system process the filter request. The resulting job display will then have only the jobs matching any/all the supplied filter requests.

The “Sample Method” option can easily be paired with other filters to better limit the overall job display list to just those matching the client needs for their current work.




Inventory Site and Blender Configuration Changes

New functionality added to the Operations module for Dispatch Configurations will now allow users to have added control and flexibility in how they choose to set up and assign both their Inventory Sites for ERP connected jobs as well as assignment for linked Blenders.

With the provided update, clients can create their Dispatch order and then elect to only assign the Inventory Site and/or Blender to selected jobs within the Dispatch. Other jobs can remain unassigned until that information is validated and ready to be assigned. This update will help support various situations where select jobs have possibly been submitted off to a Blender and failed and the client is attempting to only re-submit those select jobs without a Dispensed Summary.

As part of this scenario, once the system has received a Dispensed Summary for a job, those jobs within the Dispatch Order list can no longer be updated or edited. This alert will be shown to the user with a handy tool tip indicating such to the user and alerting them that these known jobs can no longer be edited or resubmitted.

A final part to this update will also be alerts presented to the user for instances of Inventory Sites being selected where a product(s) may not be available. This will allow the user to update their selection based on available inventory to a new site.

Updated Blender and Inventory Site Configuration



Event Credit Support for Flat Rate Recommendations

A new feature found within the Fertility module will help bring added functionality to the “Flat Rate” analysis sub-function within this unique rec creation process. Users will now be able to take advantage of the “Add Event Credits” feature. Including this option within the Flat Rate tool will provide a flexible option to apply known credits to a rate recommendation based on the supplied Product and Rates from that past application event.

For fields that may also have soil data or past Saved Rx events associated to the field, the option to bring in the credit source from a “Saved Rx” event will also be present. So, this will provide users two easy options to identify a past application event and have the fertility system incorporate those product nutrient amounts and supply a system generated credit against those.

Flat Rate Event – No Credits Applied



Flat Rate Event – Credit from “Flat” Product Input



Flat Rate Event – Credit from “Saved Rx” Rate Input




In-Season NDVI Enrollment Changes

Changes to the enrollment process for the In-season NDVI imagery service has been implemented. Users will now notice that the “Automatic NDVI Enrollment” tool has been removed from the Tools page. Now no longer will users need to enroll each grower, farm, or field in the tool. Instead, all growers, farms, and fields will be enrolled automatically based on the corresponding enrolled profile level. Client services team members will support profile enrollment and backfills of historical imagery if needed.

Location Preference – “Hide” Work Order Type Filter

A new feature added within the Location Preference Tool page will now allow locations to set their view preference for non-needed work order types. This setting will work as a filter and prevent these types from being visible in the job creation modal once a location has been selected.

Users can set their defined list of non-needed Work Orders by simply going to the “Work Order” tab on the Location Pref tool. At the bottom of that page, a new section labeled “Hide Work Order Types” will be present to the user. From this input, users can select the Work Order types they do not wish to see for the selected location. Select the “Submit” button to finalize the update. Any work orders previously created of now hidden types will still be available in the application.

Performance Improvements


·      Update to Rx Export Folders for “Use Custom Name Only” option

·      Farm/Field Map Book update for Fields with NO Boundary.

·      Fertility PDF update to handle font size and Spacing

·      Fertility PDF update for Equation Variable display

·      Updates for inactive ERP Products and their display

·      Delivery Ticket Pin Location updates for Operations

·      Additional Soil Test Element Additions – Soil Health Haney Test

·      Updates for Yield Removal Case Logic within Fertility

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