FieldAlytics Mobile Release v1.24

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 1.24 of the FieldAlytics Mobile app as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.


Soil Sampling added to Mobile Application

To continue the expansion of the FieldAlytics Mobile application, soil sampling has now been added as an available field activity within the application. This new feature will enable users to work either on their iPad and iPhone devices for the task of GPS soil sampling within a field.

The functionality contained within this release focuses on the tools needed for a sampler to create and collect soil sampling events from their iPhone or iPad. In the future updates we will bring seamless integration into the Dispatch list along with enhancements to our offline mode capabilities.






Getting Started with Sampling

As mentioned within the initial overview, Field Sampling functionality has now been added into the Mobile application. This new feature will greatly expand the options and functionality for those users looking to complete their field activities and duties within a single application.

Working within the “Profiles” tab, users will need to navigate down to the Field level selection. At that time, the top row of available actions will now include “Sampling” within the toolbox. Select this option to begin.

The application will then display the list all the current and past sample events for the field in descending order organized by year. Each event displays both its date and status.


Display of Sampling Events for Selected Field and “Add” Feature

Beyond the sample display information, users can also click on any of the past events shown and get a full map view of the collected samples and IDs. User can also click on any open events that have not yet been finalized and resume their collection process.

To create a new sampling event, simply select the “Add”       action button found in the upper right-hand corner of the window. This will then progress the user to the setup page of the sampling event.

Define the Event Setup Criteria

On the Event Setup page, the user will be presented with several input options and selections. Start the process off by filling in and defining all the required lab details (account, package, depth) as well as the Sampling Method and Lab Check-In form information that will be associated to the event layer.

It’s on this page that the user will now also decide if they will be creating a Target Sample layer, selecting an existing Target Sample layer, or simply sampling via a free form method.

If the user will be sampling via the assistance of a Directed Sampling layer, select the option for “Edit Targets” via the large orange action button on the lower pane of the page. This will then update the screen display and prompt the user to either select the option to “Import” a target layer from one of the fields existing Directed Sampling layers or saved Management Zone layers, or the user can elect to create a “New Grid”. This will then require the user to set and define the grid orientation on the field.


Sampling Event Setup and Definition

Importing Samples for Target Layers

Start by selecting the “Edit Targets” action button. On the updated page display select the option for “Import”. The page will once again refresh and now will display any saved “Directed Sampling” layers as well as any available saved “Management Zones” that have numeric IDs defined for the purpose of soil sampling. From this list, select the desired layer for your event. The application will then update the display a final time to then showcase the target layer and its ID locations in conjunction with the Field and current GPS position of the soil sampler based on the device location.


Example Point Target Sample Import


Example Zone Sampling Import from Saved Management Zone


Starting Sampling Event From a new Grid

If the user does not wish to sample from an existing point or zone target layer, they can then also elect to create a target grid layer. Begin this action by selecting the text option for “New Grid”. Once selected, the screen will refresh and display the “Grid Settings” page for the user.

Based off the user’s current application settings, the program will load in any defaults that have been set. This then allows for quick creation of new grids and only requires changes to the inputs if a different configuration is needed.

Verify on the settings page that you desire the application to “Create Targets” from the centroid of each grid cell as well as the Grid Size (acres) or the unique Width/Length that is needed. Once those have all been confirmed, select the action button      at the bottom of the page for “Create Grid”.

Grid Setting Display Page


Grid Setup and Display


On initial load, the grid will display in the size requested and be oriented in a traditional north/south, east/west alignment. Users can decide to adjust this by pressing on the screen and dragging the grid with a single finger or rotating the grid alignment by using 2 fingers to rotate the grid in either direction. A third adjustment option allows the user to long-press on the screen and then drag their finger from a start position (a) toward the direction they want to sample and align the grid to an end position (b).

Regardless of the method used, the users can elect to modify and make multiple changes or adjustments until they have the grid setup to their specifications. At any time, the user can also select the “Cancel” to fully clear the screen and start over. Once the proper setup has been configured, select the “Accept” button found at the bottom of the screen.


This action will close the user out of the active editing mode. Select the “Save” button to then finalize the target layer setup process. The application will ask the user to confirm that you want to finalize and save the listed target for this sample event. Be sure to select the “Yes” option to confirm. With this step now complete the user is ready to begin sampling the field.

GPS Sampling Your Field

Returning to event overview and setup select the action button, “Collect Samples” found down in the lower right portion of the screen.

The application will update and zoom in to the selected field in conjunction to the user’s GPS location. The field map will have the selected target sampling layer loaded and displaying the provided target IDs as well. On the top portion of the display will showcase the “Current Target” ID as well as the sampler’s distance to the target. Begin to then navigate towards the target sample listed. Once within the max distance defined to the target the distance in feet will change from Red to Green meaning you are now within the allowed proximity. Use the provided navigational arrow to help assist with the direction of travel needed to the target sample.

Once the sample has reached the desired target sample and began the process of pulling cores, they can then “record” that the sample has been completed by selecting the large “Record” action button  found in the lower portion of the screen. Once selected the application will quickly update and display the “Record Sample” display window.

On this screen, the user can elect to update the collected Sample ID if it will somehow be different than what was defined in the Target Sampling layer. They can also elect to scan a bag label barcode if they are working with a lab that has full support of this method. If nothing is changing, simply select the “Save” text to confirm the collection of the sample.

At this time, the window will close, and the map display will update to visually show that the previous sample is now collected. This is shown by displaying the sample in a dark blue color as opposed to the default teal color for un-collected samples.

The users next target will now be displayed in Yellow, and the top navigation assistance window will be showing the new target ID and distance to that target.

Users should repeat this process until all samples have been collected. However, if at any time during the collection process the user attempts to “record” a sample that is beyond their max distance to the target listed, they will get the below notification.

The user can either elect to “Create new sample” that will be in addition to all of the pre-defined targets, or they can ignore the distance alert and “Record target anyway”. This option will bypass the Max Distance to Target setting and allow for the sample to be recorded even though the sampler may be a considerable distance to the actual target sample location. A 3rd option can occur where the user simply presses on the screen outside of this alert box and then elects to move closer to the actual target sample to avoid the alert notice.


Removing a Target Sample from the Event

Users can now elect to remove a target sample from the collection event all together by simply pressing on the target location on the map. This will pop-up a display box giving the user the simple action request to “Delete” the target sample. This comes in handy for any instance of poor field conditions or other obstructions that might prohibit the listed target from being able to be collected.


Utilizing the Sampling Overview Display

While active in the “Collect Samples” mode, the user will always have visible the “Current Target” and “Distance to Target” values. These will show at the top-center of the map display within the window. At any time during the collection process, the user can take their finger and expand or drag this display down to then showcase the entire sampling overview.

This display will organize the samples into 2 categories. There will be a listing of “Collected Samples” as well as “Remaining Samples”. For the collected samples, the user will also be presented with a quick overview on the recorded depth value as well as if a barcode was scanned for the sample. A “Delete” function will also be present for any collected samples. This feature will allow the user to remove a collected sample if there needs to be any changes made to its current location or associated information.

The Remaining Samples section will list all uncollected samples as well as the sampler’s current distance in feet to each. On this same window the user will also have the quick option to change navigation methods if they so desire.

Completing the Sampling Event

While sampling, the application will automatically detect once all samples have been collected and pop-up a display prompt to the user.


This notification will allow the user to quickly select if they wish to save the event and send off the generated Lab Check-In sheet. If the user does not want to have the Lab Sheet generated, simply select “No”. The user can then select the “Save” option and close out the event.

From the Sampling event overview screen, the users can still later elect to create the Lab Check-In form. Directly to the left of the “Save” text is an action icon  that will then present option for the following:

  • Send Lab Check-In Sheet
  • View Lab Check-In Sheet
  • Navigate to Field

The “Send’ option will immediately email a copy of the report off to the logged in user. The “View” option will bring up and electronic display of the report. With this option the user can then later elect to manually send this off to additional user emails. Lastly, the “Navigate to Field” option provides turn-by-turn navigation via the embedded Apple maps application.


Generating the Lab Check-In Form

With all parts of the collection now complete, the application will then update the selected fields sampling event list to include the new event from the current date. This event can be selected and edited if adjustments are needed. Now the user can exit the application or go onto the next field to continue their sampling process. All completed events are automatically associated to the fields data tree and updated immediately on the web platform as well.

Map Layers and Icons

While actively working within the Sampling module, there are several map layers and action icons available to help assist the user.

These are found over to the far-right portion of the main map display.


 Toggles the active Grid layer on or off from view

Allows the Sampler to set a “Mark” or “sub-sample”

Opens access to all available field data map layers to assist within the sampling process as a background image.

Opens the Background Imagery map options for “Roads”, “Satellite” or “Hybrid” map displays.

Zooms the map to the users current GPS location



Understanding the Sampling Settings

Prior to starting a new sampling event for the first time it is highly recommended that the users first go into the “Settings” tab within the mobile application. As part of this release, the settings page has been updated to organize application settings by function. Users will now see three settings sections “General”, “Work Orders”, and “Sampling”. Select the “Sampling” tab to define your sampling settings. This will load a full form with several unique options all designed to help make the sampling process and interaction with the device as customized as possible.

Sample Numbering Options and Settings:



Starting Sample Number

-       This option allows the user to define a default sample ID that will be used on each field when attempting to create target layers or sample free form.

Use Unique Sample Numbers

-       This is a Yes/No toggle. When enabled it engages a feature to ensure that no fields within the application use the same sample ID number. This allows for a soil sampler to keep completely unique IDs for an entire season.

Next Unique Sample Number

-       This is a simple display feature that will show the user the next unique sample ID to be used IF the “use unique sample numbers” option is toggled ON.

Ignore Target Numbers

-       This also is a Yes/No toggle option. If enabled, the application will then ignore the assigned Sample ID from the Target layer and instead have the user assign the sample ID value.

Navigation Assistance Settings:


Default Navigation Method

-       The application will provide the user with 2 methods, either “Lowest Number” or “Nearest” target Sample. If “Lowest Number” is the defined method, then the application will always attempt to navigate the user to the lowest available sample not yet collected. Essentially allowing the user to collect the samples in the ascending ID order. The “Nearest” option will ignore the ID numbers and simply attempt to route the sampler to the next closest target ID not yet sampled.

Auto-Record Distance (Feet)

-       This option allows the user to define a radius (in feet) around a sample that would allow the application to automatically mark the sample as “collected” if the sampler gets within that defined radius. Typically, this is a value set to a distance of less than 50 feet.

Max Distance to Target (Feet)

-       This setting controls the distance a user MUST be in terms of proximity to a Target sample to allow the application to mark it as collected. If the user is outside of this distance to the target, the application will require a distinct override of the permission in order to mark the sample. This setting is used as a safety measure to avoid samples being recorded not in their desired geographic location or area.

Ignore Target Location

-       This is a Yes/No toggle option. If enabled, the application will “ignore” the set target location of the soil sample and instead “move” the sample once collected to the exact location of the sampler when they triggered the “record/collected” action button. This is a great tool to easily move a target sample for instances of bad field conditions or other physical obstructions that prevented sample cores to be pulled in and around the initial target sample location defined.

Grid Default Settings:


Grid Size (Acres/Sample)

-       This will allow the user to define their preferred grid size in acres per sample. Then once the Grid tool is activated, the set preference will automatically load.

Grid Width (feet)

-       This allows a user to enter in a unique grid width for any instance where an exact square grid is not desired. For example, many users often run a 440 x 330 grid. This helps it to better fit rectangle instances.

Grid Length (feet)

-       This allows a user to enter in a unique grid length for any instance where an exact square grid is not desired. For example, many users often run a 440 x 330 grid. This helps it to better fit rectangle instances.

Create Grid Targets

-       This is a Yes/No toggle option. When enabled, the application will create the target ID in the center of each grid cell. If this in not activated, the user will only see their grid layer and it will not contain any target ID dots on the map.

Zone Sampling Settings:



Use Zone Colors

-       This setting will allow the application to display the Zone Sample target layer with the colors defined as part of that layer as opposed to the “default” sampling color scheme used within this function.

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