FieldAlytics v3.95 Release Notes
The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.95 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.
Query Location Updates
Users working within the map interface of the program to find or identify a mapped field can now have additional profile information displayed when using the “Query Location” map feature.
This new enhancement will now include the Location Name that the identified boundary belongs to. This is in addition to the previous profile information of the Grower Name, Farm Name and Field Name.
The Location Name will only show for those users with Location Level access or higher. The same display permissions are in place to ensure that only profiles found are those the user account utilizing the function has access to.
Utilizing the Query Location Feature
Without any profile selected from the tree, users navigating within the map interface of the program can utilize the existing background imagery and navigation tools to pan around and identify any desired location on the map. To then attempt to identify that desired location the user can next right click on the map for the exact location they wish to search against and select the “Query Location” feature.
As part of the map layer tools, users can elect to simply navigate around on the map to identify a desired map point of interest, or they can elect to enable the “Field Background” layer that will display a shaded field outline of all field boundaries the user has access to based on their account permissions.
Selection of “Query Location” option will allow the system to search provided Lat/Lon point associated to the selection and search the system for any matching field boundary and profile for that exact point.
With the search complete, the system will display both the current weather conditions and the Forecast details along then with any known “Profiles Found” for that reference point on the map. This enhancement will now also include the Location associated to the found profile. This information becomes extremely helpful for any users who may have access to multiple locations within their organization.
With the profiles found listed in the display window, simply identify the profile of choice, and then check the “Select to Display” select box. This will then prompt the system to update the left pane profile tree display to the known Grower/Farm/Field and zoom the map to that isolated field.
Farm Planning Find and Replace
The Farm Planning tools have received a major upgrade with the introduction of “Find and Replace” functionality within the Batch Farm Planning tool at the grower and farm levels. This tool enables users to make product updates easily and precisely in mass throughout all a grower’s farm plans.
User can get started by defining the year, event type, inventory site (if ERP connected), and optionally crops, farms, and plan type they wish to search over. Next, users can define what product(s) they would like to identify for updates. Users can search by product or further refine their searches by application rate or price. These parameters are defined within the comparison selections.
· None – Indicates that the search parameter is ignored
· Equals – Indicates that either the rate or price must exactly match the search criteria.
· Greater Than – Indicates that either the rate or price must be greater than the value in the search criteria.
· Less Than - Indicates that either the rate or price must be less than the value in the search criteria.
Once a user has defined their search parameters select the “Search” button. This will then query all farm plans that exist for the defined search criteria and display them to the user.
Users can then select which events they wish to update by selecting the event via the check box in the event row. Users can also hover over the event name to see product information about the event for additional context.
Users then have two options they can replace the identified products in the selected events with new products and rates or they can add additional products to the selected event. This distinction is made with the toggle in the below section.
Click the add product button in this section to add as many products as desired along with their application rates and costs.
Once the user is satisfied with their selections select the “Submit” button. This will present a confirmation window informing the users of all changes that are about to occur, the products being replaced, added, along with the impacted farm plans. Providing the user one more moment to review the updates, once satisfied with their selections, click the “Submit” button. These updates will be made in the background within a matter of moments.
Confirmation Change Display Summary
Work Order
Sending Soil Sampling Job Orders to AGRIS
Expansion of the existing integration to the AGRIS ERP solution will now allow for Soil Sampling job orders to be passed over for any connected growers. This new feature will allow for the full job setup to occur, but now also include the necessary billable services charges to be identified within the job setup.
Getting Started
For clients working with a connected grower, they can start the job creation process like any other job. First identify the Work Order job type (Soil Sampling) and then select the desired grower from your available profile list. If the selected grower has an established connection to the AGRIS ERP solution the user will see the available “Sync with AGRIS” select feature.
Ensure that this is on and set to the “Sync” option. If disabled, the display text would clearly indicate “Off” for the display. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the window to have the Work Order request created.
Next, begin to fill out the job details associated to this Soil Sampling Work Order by verifying and selecting the field profiles that will have Soil Sampling services done of them. Then verify the known Inventory Site as well as the correct corresponding Billable Service Code for the Sampling request, within the ERP tab of the job wizard.
Proceed within the Job setup wizard to then identify the Lab details with regards to which facility will provide the Analysis, account number and desired soil test package.
If a 3rd party is assisting in the sample collection process, this step will also allow for the user to identify and setup that request service. Be sure to also identify any of the optional items for Sampling Method, Field Status and/or Previous Crop.
Finalize the job setup by identifying any needed notes, dates or notification alerts needed for those later working with this job.
Soil Service Provider Addition for KSI Lab
Clients working with KSI Lab for both their analytical services as well as their soil collection services will now be able to take advantage of a greater connection to that provider that will allow Soil Sampling Work Order job details and information to be sent over to the provider.
Getting Started
While working within the Work Order system, users can begin their job setup by identifying the needed grower profile and fields that services will be required on. Then within the “Lab” section of the job setup process, they will want to both fill out all the associated Lab information as well as indicate “KSI Labs” in the Soil Service Provider dropdown list. This physical selection will then allow for additional configuration requirements to be defined in a new modal pop-up.
Provider Configuration Icon and Job Setup
Within the Soil Service Provider Option modal, clients will have several configuration input items to identify. If available, users can identify both the last known Test Analysis year along with the previous KSI Map ID number. Neither of these inputs are required.
Users then will need to identify the current season “status” of the field, the Crop Residue as well as the Sample Grid type/size and desired sample analysis package.
With all the requested options filled out, the client will then select the “Add” icon to formally enter the information into the request service and display the requested functions in the “Added Options” summary display area on the setup screen. If additional/secondary options are needed, the user can identify a secondary setup request as well and then select the “Add” option.
Soil Service Provider Options – Setup Modal Display
Finalize the Soil Service provider information by selecting the “Save” button at the bottom of the modal. Then, finalize the job setup by selecting any needed user alerts, date requirements or notification configurations within the ‘Options” step of the job setup. Save and submit the information to create the work order.
The job is then submitted to KSI Lab with complete job details, enabling their team to organize, schedule, and collect the requested sample events. Once the job has been completed, a notification will be provided to EFC and will allow our system to automatically update the order to the “Completed” status level.
Inventory Site and Blender Updates for Connected Jobs
To better provide flexibility and transparency in the Dispatch Configuration process, several new features have been added that will allow users to modify both the Inventory Site as well as the associated Blenders on a per job basis within the Dispatch for connected ERP growers. Additionally, these updates enable users to dispatch to multiple blender brands from the same dispatch list for both ERP and non-ERP connected jobs.
While initially setting up a Chemical or Fertilizer application job for a connected ERP client, the user must identify an Inventory Site that the associated products would pull from and relieve inventory. This part still holds true. Often though the user creating the work order may not know ultimately which inventory site will facilitate the application of the job, this is usually a decision made at time of dispatch.
With this update dispatchers can quickly make these inventory site and blender configuration changes without needing to return to the work order module, increasing their efficiency during the season.
Assigning Blenders to Inventory Sites
Within the Assets module users can associate a blender to an inventory site. The list of inventory sites available for assignment are those connected to the parent location of a blender. Users can select the inventory site during asset set configuration, select the Inventory Site button to begin.
A new window will appear enabling the user to select which inventory site to assign to the blender. Select the inventory site and click the Submit button to save your selection.
Utilizing the Dispatch Updates
Users will need to assemble their desired Dispatch list via the Filters and Map functions built into the Operations module. Once the full list of fields/jobs has been defined, be sure to assign all needed assets to the dispatch (both Personnel and Equipment).
With this information defined, select the “Save” button to finalize the selection. This will then load the “Dispatch Options” modal. Its at this step that users will be able to take advantage of the new configuration tool specific to the Inventory Site and Blender Assets.
Under the “Job Options” section of the window, select the newly renamed “Inventory Site and Blender Configuration” select box. This will then have the configuration window open.
Within this window, jobs can be both configured for the inventory site and the blender. Only blenders available for the selected inventory site would be available to dispatch. Bulk control function on the far-right menu icon will also enable any of the defined items to be applied to all jobs within the dispatch. The top-level blender feature has now been removed.
With these new functions, users will only be able to select a blender that is directly associated to the listed inventory site. If a selected Inventory site is updated, the job will be updated including product matching between inventory sites, if a product does not exist at the newly updated inventory site a notification will be presented to the user that the inventory site cannot be updated without further job modifications.
A final viewing update will also enable the quick-view access to any job directly from within this modal. User can select on the “Information” icon to then have the system display the overview/details pop-up display window.
This display window is the same as what users can access directly from within the Work Order module. It will provide many of the critical pieces of information associated to the job including product details, required dates, acreage, profile details as well as current assigned equipment and personnel.
The display window will also showcase a field boundary image as well to provide then needed visual reference to the job. Lastly, any associated job notes will also display within this window.
Information Display Window
Controller File Exports Directly from Dispatch Setup
A new feature added to the “Dispatch Options” control page enabling users to request their Application Files as part of their overall dispatch configuration and setup.
Within the “Job Options” section of the page, users will have a new selection box for “Export Application Files”. Selection of this will immediately open the standard “Rx Export” window found throughout the platform in other areas where users have needed to be able to request a specific Rx Export file format.
Users will have access to the full compliment of controller file export formats. The system will process and generate the requested format per field/per job in the overall dispatch list. A function to send the Rx files off to an additional email recipient is available. Simply input in a valid email address into the box and both this person as well as the user making the request will receive the files once complete. Select the “Export” button to finalize the request. The system will then display the “processing” request box and deliver an email once complete that will include a link to download the controller files and the Dispatch ID as reference.
Notification Center Report Enhancements
Users will now have the added benefit of have both the Master Soil Book reports as well as the Farm Planning Financial reports both going directly to the Notification Center alert utility. Users will receive the new alert notification while active on a current web session. Once in the Notification Center tool, users will find new category options for “Farm Planning Financial Reports” and “Master Soil Book” reports. Users will then be able to expand those categories and have exposed all available report links and the associated setup information to the report request. Users can adjust these delivery preferences in their user settings.
Notification Center Overview Image (Master Soil Book)
Notification Center Overview Image (Farm Planning Reports)
Performance Improvements
· Dispatch Report Enhancement to Remove Automatic Generation
· Update for Removal Yield Boundary Edge Issue
· Batch Delete Functions added to Farm Plan Management
· Job Order “by Days in Accepted Status” within Operations View
· Resolved Issue with Mass Update Function for Work Orders