FieldAlytics Mobile Release v1.23

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 1.23 of the FieldAlytics Mobile app as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.


Job Notes Display Change and Functionality Updates

Users working with the dispatch lists on the mobile application will now have some added reporting functionality to better assist them. Under each Dispatch List, specific to the application jobs, a “Report” function will now be available to the user.

The users can select the “Tap for Options” action text to initiate the Report Option request. Once selected the left-hand pane will update to then display all available report options specific to the Dispatch List in use. Currently this list is limited to the “Product Requirements” report.

To initiate the report request, users simply need to slide the action toggle feature to the right side and select the “Submit” function. The system will display a “Requesting Report” notification and then once ready, will display the PDF output directly on the mobile app. At this time user can elect to either Print, Email or View the report and its calculated values.

Report Options View from Dispatch List Pane


Report Request Toggle Function and Submit Feature



The resulting PDF requested will then contain all the product-based information from the full list of jobs within the current Dispatch list. The initial page of the report will provide the user with a map overview of all fields contained within the Dispatch.

The second page of the report will contain the product requirement summary information. An overall Summary calculation will be provided to the user displaying the total number of jobs, fields and assets assigned to the Dispatch. Then summary tables will display the calculated Area, Total Product in standard weight as well as total product in bulk transfer weight.

The lower portion of the report will contain a summarized version of this same information but limited to each Job and its local area only. A listing of the fields contained within each job as well as a job centroid will be provided to help assist.

Dispatch Report Output from Mobile




View Preference to Hide Completed Fields from Dispatch

A new feature added to the Dispatch module will now allow users to “hide” any completed fields/jobs from their active map view display. This will be a local user preference and is a feature that can be actively turned on and off from the user’s mobile setting.

With the setting enabled, the map display will remove from view any field that has been passed into the “Completed” status level. This then will only show “Active” jobs, thus helping to visually remove any clutter and allow the user to focus just on those fields that are still needing their job-related work handled.

Default View of Dispatch List Fields (Including Completed Jobs)

To enable the new view preference to then “Hide” any Completed Fields, the user will need to navigate to the “Settings” page on the mobile application. Once there, scroll down till you see the option listed under “Dispatch List”.


Next, slide the action toggle to the right. This will colorize the option selection in blue and will then active the function. With this enabled, any field that has been moved into the completed status will no longer be displayed on the map view.

Settings Page View of Hide Completed Fields Function

The user can now exit out of the Settings page and back to their Dispatch module. A refreshed map overview of any selected Dispatch List should now show only fields still in an “Active” status that is not yet set to “Completed”.

Map View with Completed Jobs Hidden



View Preference to Enable Sort Options in Dispatch List

Users also will now have display control over the sort order for their assigned Dispatch Lists within the mobile application. The default view will still show the newest Dispatch at the top of the left-sides display pane, but now via the “Settings” page, users can change this control function to allow the Oldest Dispatch Lists to display first.

This change in the display will help place a focus on those older Dispatch List orders getting accomplished and then removed from the applicators task list. To set this view function, navigate to the “Settings” page and navigate to the option for “Map Type Preference” and set the action slider to the right for the “Hide Completed Fields” function.


Navigate back to the Dispatch mode to then view the full list of “My Dispatches”. The ordering of these will now reflect the assigned view method defined by the user.


Field Acres Added to Field Description within Job Details

Users working within a selected job in either the Dispatch module or within the Work Orders module will now have the added numeric visual descriptor of field acres shown in addition to the Field display icon.

This information will help assist the user if for any reason they need to double check or verify a fields acreage while looking at and working with other details related to the job selected.

View of Field Acreage Showing Within Job Details (Dispatch)


View of Field Acreage Showing Within Job Details (Dispatch)



Work Orders


Auto-Complete Weather and Dispensed Summaries

Work Order status updates to the “In-Process” status level will now offer automatic fill-in entry for both the Weather Summary details as well as the Dispensed Summary values.

In the instance of the weather data, the system will utilize our integration to our weather provider to pull in the current observation results for the field geometry. This will include the current observed Temperature, Precipitation Range, Wind Speed and Wind Direction. Any of these auto-populated values can be modified by selecting the “Edit” action icon      and then placing in an adjusted value.  

For the Dispensed Summary values, the system will automatically pull in either the supplied amount shared by a connected Blender API system or will utilize the known values provided within the job from the product setup page. In this case too, the user can elect to update the auto-filled values with a manual entry.

In both cases, the system will show a visual notification of “Auto-Filled” to alert the user that an entry has been made by the system.

Page View for the Auto-Filled Weather and Dispensed Summary Inputs


Removed Carrier Rate Restriction for Application Jobs

Users working within either a Fertilizer or Chemical Work Order will now have an updated input form. In previous versions of the mobile application, the entry for either a Chemical product or Fertilizer product was handled uniquely within its own tab/page. To modernize this with client workflow needs and processes the combination of these pages has occurred and the result is a single “Application Products” page where the user can now add and define both their Chemical and Fertilizer products.

Product Application Form View


Within the entry form, specific to the Carrier product, the option to “Use Fertilizer as Carrier” has also been enabled. This will allow for the same logic as the web form uses where a user can elect to use one of their fertilizer products (liquid) as the carrier product for the bulk of the target rate set and defined.

Use Fertilizer as Carrier Toggle


Added Support for Delivery Ticket Work Order Jobs

Clients wishing to setup Delivery Ticket job orders can now do so within the functions of the Mobile applications. The Work Order module now allows user to create their Delivery Ticket type jobs and all associated job details directly within the application.

To begin the process the user will elect to create a “New Work Order”. Select the appropriate Work Order type of Delivery Ticket and identify the customer the ticket will be for.


With the initial job request in place begin the next part of the process by identifying if the ticket will either by for Deliver or Pick Up. Based on the provided selection made the system will then display the appropriate Point of Interest assets to select from.


The Point of Interest (POI) assets must already be defined to work with them in the system for this process. POI assets must also have a physical Lat/Lon location associated with them so the system can effectively reference the job location details since no field is required for this job type.

With the appropriate POI asset set, the next step for the user will be to define the products that will be part of this job. The system will allow for the user to define any needed Fertilizer or Chemical products as well as Seed Varieties. With each of these, the total quantity volume and unit must be defined.


View of the Product Overview Page


View of the Product Addition Form

After identifying all the products, finish off the job entry form by supplying any needed job notes, dates for fulfillment as well as including any additional users on the email notification alert function.

Performance Improvements/Miscellaneous


·       Implemented an update to ensure products with very long names will not have a visual impact on the Job Details view. This update will ensure that the Rate and Unit for the product are not covered up.

·       For both Chemical and Fertilizer Jobs, a new “Is Blended” option will be present when creating a mobile Work Order job. By default, this is set to No.

·       Updated the “Save” button styling to better reflect that this action text is an actual button and just not a label.

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