FieldAlytics v3.92 Release Notes

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.92 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.



Updated Grower and Farm Level Views

Users will now have new profile loading and views at both the Grower and Farm levels from within their Profile Tree. For users navigating and selecting profiles, both the Grower and Farm levels will now include some updated functionality to better provide both a visual understanding of the mapped field boundaries as well as access to various tools and reports.

To begin utilizing these new functions a user will simply expand an existing location that they would have access to, to showcase all the available Grower profiles. After selecting the desired grower profile, the updated view will now automatically load all the mapped field boundaries associated to the selected grower. As part of this, the map display will zoom to this collection of boundaries and will display the calculated mapped “Area” of all the field boundaries in terms of acreage. The “Area” calculation along with the general “Centroid” for the Grower’s land coverage will both show in the upper-right corner of the page within the actions pane.

Additionally, several action buttons will be on display to provide the user quick access to various Reports, Tools, Exports, and Farm Planning functions. Zoom to Field(s) replaces the map icon from the profile tree enabling the user to reset the map view to the centroid of all field boundaries if it was navigated away from.

Grower Display View from Profile Selection


The same profile selection and view features will then also occur for any “Farm” selection from the profile tree. The only difference being that the zoomed map view will now be limited to the boundaries and area of just the current selected Farm profile. Likewise, the available quick actions will be specific to the field profiles associated to the current selected farm as well.

With a specific farm selected, users will have access to a “Grower” tab. This new display feature will allow quick information to be accessed specific to the grower, as well as access to all the listed grower level quick actions for reports, tools, exports, and farm planning features. This will enable users to move back and forth between various profile levels of functionality while maintaining their current map level view.


The last visual change occurs at the Field level. Once the user has selected a desired field, the map will zoom in to display just the associated field boundary currently mapped. Then with the right-pane, the quick action features have been updated to allow the user to not only access all the available field level actions, but then also have the option to open either the Grower or Farm level actions as well.

This new option will help ensure a quick and easy process to all reporting, tools, or exports at any level of the current grower profile in use and bring a set of viewing standards throughout the process.

Additionally, all reporting functionality has been centralized to a singular reporting menu at the grower and farm levels for one consistent interface.

Simply click on the dropdown arrow next to the Grower or Farm text to expose the information and action buttons available specific to each of those listed profile levels within the system.


Field Level View of Actions Panel



Work Orders


Job Info Tooltip Display Update

While working with the Work Orders, additional quick view features have been added to several of the available job types. Users can work with this option by selecting any available Work Order to then expose the jobs associated to that Work Order.

Each available job will show on display an interactive “Information” icon. By hovering over this icon with your mouse cursor the system will pop open the quick display details associated to the job type. This will include the current job status, job type, area calculation, profile details, a map view, as well as any available product, rate, variety, lab, packages, dates, or other defined criteria from within the job setup.

Previously, this pop-up display focused mainly on the Chemical and Fertilizer work order job types and often meant that other job types then would not properly showcase the critical details and information associated to them. This current update will now ensure all other job types will have the information and data critical to their unique setup also included.

Display of Overview Information from a Seeding Work Order





Adjacent Sensitive Crop Alert and Map Display

Clients working within the Work Order system can now elect to turn on a new reporting and job setup verification function for the flagging of nearby and adjacent crop sensitive fields.

This function is turned off by default, but any organization wishing to utilize this can have their EFC FieldAlytics client services team enable the feature. Once turned on, this will require the user to certify (Yes/No) each job for having adjacent sensitive crop fields. This flag is only required then for Chemical and Fertilizer jobs that could potentially deal with product application that would have a possible impact on those known sensitive crop fields.

Getting started with this feature, the user would need to create and setup a new Chemical or Fertilizer job order. The initial creation process will begin like all others have previously. Once in the “Add Job Wizard” the user will start off by selecting the needed field profiles that will belong to the application job. If the user tries to progress to the “Next” step without certifying neighboring sensitive crop fields, the system will provide a stoppage alert. This alert will instruct the user to select the “Map View” button to perform the certification process. Simply click the “OK” button to remove the alert and then press on the “Map View” button to load in the field map view.

Crop Alert Message if no Certification has Occurred


Once the “Map View” has been clicked, the system will then open the Field Selection view modal. This display will show all known mapped fields for the current grower as well as highlight in orange color display the current selected field(s) for the job.

This display information along with the option to “Display FieldWatch Data” will then allow the user to see on the map any known alerts for nearby pollinator areas as well as certified organic or sensitive crops. Based then on this information, the user will then process by selecting the “Save and Certify Sensitive Crops” action button at the lower right corner of the window.

Map View Display with “FieldWatch” Notification Layer Enabled


The user will either select the “Yes” or “No” text option certifying that on this date there either is or is not known sensitive crops adjacent to the fields being applied. Click the “Certify” button to then finalize this action.

The user can then easily progress through the remaining steps of creating the work order as they traditional would have. Fill in any products, rates, dates, and other requirements to complete the setup.

For reporting purposes, this certified information alert will show in multiple places. Users will be able to see this notification on both the Work Order Overview PDF report as well as the Detailed Application Summary report PDF.

If the user creating the work order flagged “NO” for the certification response, the reports will indicate that “Sensitive crops are NOT adjacent to the field(s) being applied”.  If “YES” was flagged as the response, then the reports would indicate that “Sensitive crops ARE adjacent to the field(s) being applied.”

The alert notification will display underneath the map image on both listed reports. Beyond the text statement, the timestamp, date, and user are all listed based on who made the certification selection.

Work Order Report with a “NO” Response






Applicator Summary Report Updates

The Applicator Summary report will now feature two grouping options for the user to pick between.

From the “Reports” tab within the right-side action pane, click on the “Applicator Summary” option. A new report setup display modal will appear. As previously available, users can elect to also include the individual Detailed Application Summary pages within this report.

Beyond that, two new options for “Output Format” will now present themselves. The user can elect to either group the report by “Location” or by “Applicator”. If they elect to organize the information by Applicator, the applicator is presented in the report at the top level and then this will allow location to be a sub-item where multiple locations can be grouped under each listed applicator. If Location is the selection, then the current location summary would be presented.



Applicator Summary Report Grouped by Applicator Example:





Updates to the Blend Sheet Report

Several visual updates have been put in place on the Blend Sheet report to better organize the information and provide clarity on the values contained within the report. Users will find a newly organized report header that better separates out the data and information contained. “Billable Area” has been updated to replace the former “Area” text category and will use the identified Billable Acres pulled in from the job order. Users will also find the weighted average density of all products.

Blend Sheet Report Example:





Batch Scouting Report Additions

Users working within the Records module will now have the added report feature for gathering and organizing their Scouting Reports in batch fashion. This new report update is an improvement over the former option that only allowed for the single event printing of Scouter Event records.

From the Records module, the user can begin their report request by drilling down into the profile tree to minimally the grower level. From there, select the “Reports” action button found in the right-side action pane. At this time a new “Report” modal will appear on the screen. From the dropdown menu, select the “Scouting Report” text option from the list provided.

Users will now have the options to input the desired Start and End date(s) to have the system search against for completed scouting event records. Users can also elect to further limit the selection by specific profile(s) via the “Profiles” search function. Lastly, the system can offer to only include either Finalized or Open Scouting event records or both.

Select the “Create” button to initiate the request and have the system assemble all event records that match the input requirements. The report will be delivered via email or the notification center depending on user preferences.


Detailed Application Summary Modifications and Enhancements

Users printing out their Detailed Application Summary reports will now notice a few changes within the map display area of the report if “Sensitive Crop” functionality is enabled.

The newly added “Sensitive Crop” information will show beneath the field map image. Also, the zoom level has been modified to show a larger surrounding area adjacent to the field perimeter. This not only will help to better identify the field and the surrounding area, but within this map display and available FieldWatch layers (Certified Organics, Pollinator Aeras, Beehives, and other areas) will appear on the map along with existing crop annotation points of interest.

Performance Improvements


·      Updated MODUS Nematode XML result support

·      Index update for Yield by Soil Test Reporting

·      Added “Completed Date” to the Work Order Overview

·      Ability to set the default Transfer UOM for chemical products

·      Added coverage for select Canadian Providences for Adapt-N

·      Displaying Weather Summaries if Dispensed Summaries Exist

·      Speed Improvements in obtaining Soil Information for a Field

·      The Transfer UOM will now be included in the WO Overview Reports

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