FieldAlytics v3.91 Release Notes

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.91 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.


Combined Export by Management Zone Reporting Updates

Users working with the Combined Export by Management Zone feature at either the Farm or Grower level will now have additional reporting functionality to better provide product summary and average values within the requested export PDF report.

Previously, the export report provided a general summary of the requested zone layers and colorized images of the zones but did not include the full summary breakdown for product rates, averages, or totals. This information was only available when running the field level management zone export.

Users working within this tool can now easily get the detailed summary report by following the same setup and execution steps within this tool. Start by selecting on the option for the “Combined Export from Mgmt. Zones” via the right-click feature at either the Farm or Grower level in the profile tree. This will open the “Select Management Zones” display modal.

View of the “Select Management Zones” selection modal:

Select the “Continue” button once the needed zone layers have been selected from the appropriate fields. This will then progress the user to the “Rx Export” window where either the needed controller file or report PDF can be requested. Fill out the needed input forms and select “Export” from the bottom right action buttons.

The requesting user will then receive an email for the export request to their email inbox. Unique report download links per event will be contained within the email. Once selected, the user will be presented with the full report Zone Summary PDF that includes the full product, rate, zone area and totals calculations within the summary footer of the report.

Zone Summary from Combined Export Request Modal:

Collapsible Profile Tree within Module

Users will now have added flexibility for layer and data viewing while working within the Main tab. The left-side profile tree has been updated to now offer an Open/Close collapsible solution designed to maximize the map view area.

This new display feature will help provide additional real-estate for field and layer viewing and will help to remove from view other non-needed client profiles while trying to showcase a particular data set or profile.

To utilize this new feature, clients working within the Main tab will see a new function icon located directly to the right of the “Grower Search” input box. The display for this icon will either show as a “left arrow”       for any instance when the profile tree is currently “open”, and will then show as a “right arrow”        for any instance where the profile tree is currently “closed”. Selecting on the action button icon will then either allow the profile tree to close off to the left, or re-open to the right.

With the profile tree “Closed”, all profile selections and data layer selections are locked. However, all the navigation and map features to allow for measuring as well as the Zoom In and Zoom Out functions are still available. To update or change the current loaded profile or data set, users can easily “Open” the profile tree to then select a new client profile or unique data layer if desired. 

Standard Profile Tree View:

Collapsed Profile Tree View:

Work Order

Job Details Displayed within Finalized Status Update Window

While working within a selected job order and setting the state to Finalized, users will now have the added assistance of seeing all job-related product information and notes. These visual updates will help ensure that the user working with the order to set it to its finalized state has visual access to all needed information.

Job detail information provided will include:

  • Job Product Values
  • Dispensed Values
  • Application Summary Values
  • Acres
  • Product Information (Names, Rates, Totals)

From the window, users can then also elect to run the Finalized Summary report as well.

Merchant Ag Billable Services added to Kits

Users connected to the Merchant Ag ERP solution can now have their chemical product kits include any “Billable Services” that have been defined as saved to their kit within its setup and creation in Merchant Ag.

Then, within the FieldAlytics Work Order module, clients can create their Chemical Application job orders and elect to utilize these via the “Add Merchant Ag Kit” function. 

Once selected, this feature will now display both the chemical products defined within the application kit, as well as any Billable Services. Any listed Billable service found within a kit should include the “(Billable Service)” notification text flag. Select the desired kit and then click the “Submit” button to import all associated line-items. All remaining job add functions and features will remain the same. 

If "Use as Kit Application" is selected, then the work order components will be placed on a Merchant Ag Order as a kit sale. The resulting grower invoice and statement from Merchant Ag will adhere to the specified Kit Options to show price by summary or detail.

Enable User’s to Re-Send Connected ERP Jobs

New functionality has been put in place to allow users to “Re-Send” their connected job information back over to their integrated 3rd Party ERP solution. This new feature will help streamline the process and steps needed to provide critical update information to the ERP solution for situations where the information associated to the job may have changed.

In its previous state, if a job had any product, rate, or other critical information change, it was required for the work order status to be updated to a new status level. With the new “Re-Send” feature, clients can easily make the needed job edits and changes and then effectively by-pass the steps of updating the status on the job and instead, simply “re-submit” the order to manually prompt the update to the connected ERP provider.

To request the job re-submit, simply find and select the Work Order in question. This will fully expose all associated jobs for that order. Select your desired job and then select the down arrow             next to the “Edit” action button. This will expose the full actions list available for the job. At the bottom of that list will be a new selection to allow them to “Re-Submit to …..”, their connected ERP solution.

View of new Re-Submit function for connected ERP providers:

Filter Updates for Application Timing

Users working within the “Filters” feature for Work Orders can now utilize some additional limiting functionality to better help find the needed jobs based on the Application Timing information defined.

Within the Application Timing filter, a new “Match Any” and “Match Only” option has been added. This update uses similar logic that was already added and in place for the Products filter. 

Based on the user’s selection the system will be able to search and find the related jobs using the defined filter criteria.

Match Only 

  • This limiting option will only return jobs where just the selected/defined Application Timing selections exist. If the job contains any other selections beyond what was listed in the filter, the job will not be included. Its primary function is to only find and return jobs that exactly match your filter selection request.

Match Any

  • This limiting option will return any job that contains any of the selected/defined Application Timing selections. If the job contains additional Application Timing selections it will still show in your filtered list. Its primary function is to find ANY possible match.

Work Order Search

Users can now easily search for jobs within work orders by job number, ERP ID, or dispatch list number. This search works independent of any filters currently on the page and shows just the work order and job that was searched for. To begin, start typing in the number for the search criteria and then click the magnifying glass icon or by clicking enter on your keyboard. The work order page will then be updated with only work orders and jobs that exactly matched the search criteria. 

Work Order Search Criteria 

  • Job Number
  • ERP ID (Merchant Ag Batch, Agvance Blend Ticket, or Agris Formulation)
  • Dispatch List Number


Dispatch Export Boundaries Function

Users working within the Operations Dispatch module will now have new functionality that will allow them to quickly request a full boundary export of all fields within a single Dispatch list. This will help users with aerial application jobs load the field boundaries within job list into the plane’s controller. 

Once the user has defined and saved a dispatch, they can then elect to progress and work within the “Dispatch Options” modal. Here, under the “Job Option(s)” section is a new feature labeled “Export Dispatch List Boundaries”. There will be 2 options for the user to select from:


  • This option will present a download that will include a shapefile per field found within the Dispatch List

Combined Shapefile

  • This option will present a download that will merge all fields found within the Dispatch List into a single shapefile.

Select any needed remaining configuration options for the Dispatch and then select the “Submit” button to finalize the request. Any boundary files requested will then be delivered via email with an embedded download link within the email.

KSi Blender Integration

To continue upon the system’s ability to work with and communicate to various 3rd Party applications and services, a new integration will now allow users of KSi Blender systems to setup and communicate Work Order job details to the enrolled blender.

The process to enroll an KSi Blender system starts over in the Assets module. Within this module, the user will select the action feature to “Add Asset”. This will let the user either do so under a new Blender Asset Folder type or under an existing Blenders asset folder within their profile tree.

Working then from within the Add/Edit modal, the user can quickly fill out all identifying information associated to the Blender (Owner, ID, Contact, Address, Capacity, Manufacturer and Map Location/Icon. For this specific setup, ensure that the “KSi” option from the Manufacturer dropdown list is selected.         

With the desired Blender now configured and setup, it can be later used downstream within the Work Order job setup functions and ultimately within Operations at the time of Dispatch Configuration.

From the Operations module, use the existing Filter tools to limit and identify all jobs with matching criteria. Use the available “Dispatch” tab to properly sort the job order list. At this point, the “Dispatch Options” configuration modal will appear. Within the “Job Options” section, select the check box option then for “Blender Configuration”. 

This selection will then pop open another display window specific to the Blender Configuration requirements. From the initial drop-down, select the “KSi Blender” for the type, then proceed by selecting the appropriate KSi Blender from the available dropdown list. At this time, the user will also be able to identify if the job requires the products from within the listed jobs to be Blended. This can be configured for all jobs or on a “job by job” approach.

Select the “Submit” button once all setup items have been filled out. At this time, the system will close out the configuration window and will show a pop-up notification alerting the users that all supplied job details and configuration information have been sent off to KSi Blender Systems.

From the “Dispatch Options” modal, any other job options or desired Report Options can be set for the Dispatch. Repeat the process then for any future dispatch configurations that require communication to your KSi Blender system.

The integration will also allow for the reported Dispensed Quantities to be reported back to FieldAlytics from KSi. These dispensed product values will reflect in the Dispensed Summary details of the Work Order and will also allow for the job to have this information recorded in the job history with a timestamp record as well as automatically set the job status to the “Prepared” state to then kick-off any of the status update alerts to users and provide a filterable reference feature.


New Log In Page and Webpage Content

A fresh and modern look will now be on display for users as they arrive to the FieldAlytics log in page. Large and visually appealing input boxes will show for the user to enter in their Email username and unique Password. A help link for the “Forgot Password” function will be available for any user in need of this help feature.

Log In View for Webpage:

Below the user login portion, a “What’s New & Upcoming” section will help showcase important information associated to EFC Systems, our program, and our customers. Upcoming events, new features and contact information for help and training can all be found below in the available links.

News and Information Links:

Performance Improvements

  •       Modified Display Order for As-Planted Report Book
  •       Defaulting TUOM to Gal and Lbs for all products without one defined
  •       Updated Inventory Display List for connected AGRIS Clients
  •       Updates to Profile Mover Tool Logic
  •       CDMS Seed Variety Updates
  •       WO and Operations Loading Performance Improvements
  •       Work Order Saving Performance Improvements
  •       Added Time In/Time Out to Overview XLS
  •       Included Total Product in Transfer UOM for App Summary
  •       Product Conversion Updates for ERP connections
  •       Updated Job List Display for Edited Work Orders 

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