FieldAlytics v3.88 Release Notes

The FieldAlytics team is excited to introduce the following new features into version 3.88 of the FieldAlytics software program as part of our upcoming scheduled feature release.


Field Level View Display Updates

Users will be presented with a new visual display and layout for the local field level “actions” display list. Previously, this feature set was listed under a drop-down list that had the various action types segmented out within the display list.

To enhance this display, the drop-down action list has been removed and now replaced by several action buttons that will showcase directly under the static “Field Details” information present for the field.

The new action buttons have been organized into category types based on the functions available within each. Users will find the following available category button types:

  • Reports
  • Tools
  • Export
  • Farm Planning
  • Imagery (user access dependent)
  • Adapt-N (user access dependent)
  • Field Information
  • Profile History

View of new Action Button(s) display list:

Select any of the action buttons that show an “down arrow”   on them to then expose the feature set within this action type. Press the primary action button again to collapse the dropdown list.



Work Order

Product Requirements Report per Inventory Site

While working within the Work Order module, a “Group By” organizational function has been made available to the users working with the recently added Products Requirement report feature. This new option will allow clients to organize the aggregated product totals within Work Order jobs by either “Location” or, for clients with connected ERP locations, the option to Group By “Inventory Site”.

Users will be able to launch this feature by selecting the “Reports” action button found in the far-right pane of the Work Orders overview screen. Within the Reports section, the user should see two report options. 

The previously existing “Work Order Overview” which offers a general summary of all selected Work Orders and their job setup details, as well as the new “Product Requirements” report option. This report feature will help isolate and identify just the product related information from the jobs.


Upon selecting the Product Requirements option, the user can then determine their desired report output format (PDF or XLS) as well as then select whether to have the resulting product requirement information “Grouped By” either Location or by Inventory Site.

It is important to note that the Inventory Site function will only be able to showcase this information for those running jobs via a connected 3rd Party ERP integration such as EFC’s Merchant Ag, Agris or AgVance where the client has the additional setup functionality to limit their product displays and inventory levels based on the Inventory Site selection option. 

The resulting report will organize the information based on the user’s setup requirements (Location or Inventory Site). If multiple were found in the search there will be a separate breakdown for each, with number of jobs listed and total Area for each location. Then, within each location or Inventory Site, it will contain the Product Name, Area (including Billable), as well as Product Totals both in Job identified units and Transfer units.

PDF Report Example Utilizing Inventory Site Group By Feature:

Liquid Fertilizer Blend Sheet Updates

To better work with liquid products within the Fertilizer Blend Sheet report, several display updates have been made to clearly showcase both the unique liquid volumes and their units as well as the rate and batch values associated to these products.

Within the report output, users will be able to see both the dry rate and total weight as figured from the product density as well as the liquid rate and total quantities. This information is shown both in the summary header of the report as well as then on a line-by-line instance for each product and their local requirements for each batch.

To properly ensure the correct information and conversions, all liquid products used within the Work Order system need to ensure they have defined the products weight density to allow the gallons to lbs conversion to occur.


New Commodity Sale Record Type

Users can now find a new record type for Commodity Sale within the Records module. This entry will all the users to define the commodity and any associated information with regards to the contract sale and get calculated net profit from this event.

Creating a Record

Select the “Commodity Sale” option from the “Select Record Type” dropdown list. Once populated, input the Sale Date, Commodity, Quantity, and Price sold at.

Complete the entry process by including inputs for Receiver, Location, Contract ID, Account Name, Type and Delivery Period. Finalize the record entry by selecting the “Save Record” or “Save/Finalize” selection button.

Performance Improvements

  •       Update to ERP product list selection for 3rd Party Imports
  •       Previously entered Truterra answers are stored for future use
  •       Update to Finalized job status to display information within app summary
  •       Added Prepared status to Operation default load
  •       Fixed issue with Grower level boundary import feature
  •       Corrected zone creation issue from Elevation layers
  •       Operations update for job ordering feature
  •       Sample Summary with Data report update for MSB
  •       Adapt-N rec update to place alert in Notification Center
  •       Update for use of MerchantAg Kits to chemical orders
  •       Update for liquid fertilizers showing product densities in jobs
  •       Product display update for pt/100 gal and qt/100 gal units
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